Why do you dream about bouquets of roses? Why do you dream about roses? Roses in your dream. Interpretation from the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Medea

A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity.

Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite.

Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foreshadow good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit.

Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one.

A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings.

Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed.

If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you.

A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life.

Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future.

It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage.

Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage.

Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear.

Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you.

Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit.

Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover.

A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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All women love flowers, most of them prefer roses.

How nice it is to receive a huge bouquet of freshly cut roses as a gift.

But what if the bouquet was not given in reality, but in a dream? Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses - the main interpretation

A bouquet of roses in a dream symbolizes a future romantic experience that will bring people harmony and happiness. Also, such a dream can promise good luck and prosperity in reality, but it’s worth figuring everything out. You can also expect to be recognized in the professional field as a full-fledged and irreplaceable specialist in the near future.

It is important to remember all the little details of the dream; perhaps the roses had huge thorns, or the buds were small and withered. All the little things are important - not a single detail should be missed. It is also important to remember whether the flowers smelled of an intoxicating aroma, or whether they did not bring joy to their owner.

Did you buy the roses yourself or received them as a gift?? Perhaps you had to hand them to another person? Sometimes in dreams it is not real, but artificial flowers that appear - such dreams are also important to interpret correctly.

If you were presented with a huge bouquet of roses as a gift- take a closer look at the donor - he has been breathing in your direction for a long time, he wants to gain your favor, but you increasingly remain indifferent to him.

If a bouquet of roses was given to a man in a dream- he is ready to start a serious relationship, ready to devote himself to one single woman who is also ready to live for the sake of her lover. If an unmarried girl dreams that she was presented with a huge bouquet of white roses, she should soon prepare for her wedding.

If you see a huge number of bouquets of roses in a dream– you are fed up with relationships and are now not ready for new achievements. You are bogged down in past joys and do not see that today not everything is so smooth in your life. All you can do is regret missed opportunities to build your life differently. Problems and losses cannot be avoided now. What not to do? You should not blame yourself for all mortal sins - this will not save the situation.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses received as a gift?

If in a dream you were presented with a huge bouquet of roses as a gift, do not rush things, it is too early to relax and rejoice. It is worth taking a close look at the flowers given. If you suddenly prick yourself on a rose thorn in a dream, in reality you will also suddenly be stunned by unpleasant news. Such a dream may indicate that you should not thoughtlessly accept gifts from gentlemen unknown to you, and such a dream may also indicate that you should not count on a long-term relationship with the man with whom you are now together.

If the bouquet sparkles with rhinestones and other inappropriate decorations, you should think about whether your relationship with your significant other is also filled with unnecessary pathos and is actually empty inside. They are not filled with real emotions and feelings. Your partner likes to show off, and you trust him without complaint. What does the dream book recommend to do in such a situation? Do not allow yourself to be manipulated and fight back against false promises. Talk frankly, maybe your partner will change his attitude towards you.

If you were given a rather careless, dirty, faded bouquet of roses in a dream, it’s time for you to take a break in your relationship with the one who gave you the bouquet. If it was a stranger, stop looking for a relationship on the side. You may be facing separation, you should take it for granted. What you should do is to be alone with yourself and make decisions regarding your joyful future.

If you give a bouquet, Hasse’s dream book says that you force events and do not allow the situation to develop on its own. You should moderate your ardor and enjoy life here and now. If a girl has such a dream, it’s time for her to give the furrows of government into the hands of her man and retreat into the background. Also in Hasse’s dream book it is said that a bouquet of roses as a sign of attention in a dream means a favorable period in reality, you will benefit for a long time, your interests will be fully realized.

Why dream of a bouquet of roses in the form of a composition

It is important to remember what color the roses were in the bouquet. Was it monochromatic, or did it contain a wide variety of rose colors. The interpretation of the dream depends on this. So, for example, many people do not like white roses, since they are considered flowers that are given at weddings and placed on the graves of the deceased. Therefore, white roses in a dream can even scare you.

A bouquet of pink roses promises its owner:

Romantic adventures;

The birth of a relationship;

A new round in an already established relationship.

There is no guarantee that happiness will last long, but it will definitely happen. Orange roses in a dream do not at all promise sadness in reality; on the contrary, they will bring something festive and joyful into the life of the person seeing the dream. Yellow roses promise a meeting with a cunning person who will pursue only his own personal goals. If someone you know gave you a bouquet in a dream, take a closer look at the giver in reality, he is not as kind and simple as he wants to seem.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of red roses?

Red roses are associated with passion and a storm of emotions that overcome a person. They symbolize romance and tenderness in relationships. They fill people with hope of getting married soon and meeting their betrothed.

Scarlet roses in a dream- this is a symbol that everything you have planned will soon come true. There is no need to allow any doubts - everything in your life will work out in the best way. You just need to allow yourself to believe in a favorable outcome. It is also worth remembering that dream books often interpret the scarlet color of roses as the color of respect for a person. A bouquet of scarlet roses can also be presented to a man as a sign of respect and the fact that his merits are appreciated.

If a bouquet of red roses is complemented by a white rose- such a dream promises wealth and a strong position in society. Fiery red and burgundy roses in a dream indicate that fate will allow you to make the right decision regarding a pressing issue. Don’t give up, right now everything depends on your ingenuity and ability to achieve your goal.

Also, such a dream may indicate that you will be given a chance to renew your feelings for your soulmate, you will be able to make past dreams come true. Just don't torture relationships that were once lived today as well. Change them and change yourself. A positive interpretation of dreams with a bouquet of scarlet roses concerns only fresh flowers; if we are talking about an artificial bouquet, then dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of grief and illness. If in a dream you initially did not notice that the flowers were artificial and then became very upset because of this, you will also be very upset later in reality. Your relationship with someone close to you will not be so perfect.

In Longo's dream book it is said that a bouquet of scarlet roses placed in a vase by you in a dream means that you will personally become the creator of your future life events. You are an open and kind person and your loved ones need your attention and your support. If the bouquet is collected by you personally, you not only look great on the outside, but also have a deep inner world.

It is important to remember whether you used ribbons, rhinestones, or bows in creating the bouquet. If you used a lot of additional decorations for already gorgeous roses, you underestimate yourself. You have everything to be beautiful both spiritually and externally, you do not need additional decorations and tinsel. If in a dream a vase of flowers suddenly breaks or cracks, this is an unfavorable sign. You may lose the favor of your patrons, your loved one. It may seem to you that everything in your life is lost, and there is no way out of the impasse - but this is not so. There is no point in losing hope.

If the roses in a bouquet suddenly change their color, turning black– you will change your thoughts from positive to very negative. This will lead to depression and to the fact that you will not have the strength to decide anything in your life. If the flowers suddenly wither in your hands, you will lose love, and serious health problems are possible. Don't panic, better take care of yourself and your life. The situation can still be changed in the direction you want without much loss for you. Dreams often warn of troubles when everything is still fixable.

If the dream carried only favorable emotions, enjoy happiness and joy, you deserve them like no one else.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of Roses in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses? Soon you will be pleased with a declaration of love, and happiness will come in your personal affairs. Now is the most favorable time to start a new relationship.

For those who have already found their soulmate, it’s time to think about a new stage. Don't miss your chance; you'll have to wait a long time for the next such moment.

What color of roses did you see in your dream? How did a bouquet of roses end up in your dream? What size bouquet did you see in your dream?

What color of roses did you see in your dream?

Why do you dream about a bouquet of red roses?

Seeing a bouquet of red roses in a dream means you have strong feelings towards the object of your sighs, which are mutual. The dream promises a happy union, a strong marriage is possible.

Dreamed of a bouquet of white roses

A dream about a bouquet of white roses promises physical or spiritual unity with a special one, which will change your worldview and make you look at others differently. You will experience unprecedented pleasure and unforgettable feelings.

Dreaming of a bouquet of pink roses

If you dream of a bouquet of white roses - you are in a great mood, a lyrical mood is present in any business you undertake. Bright feelings and nascent relationships await you, which may turn out to be short-lived. Don't miss the moment.

Seeing a bouquet of blue roses in a dream

The dream book defines a bouquet of blue roses as unrealistic dreams. Despite the beauty of your plans, they are not destined to come true. The blue color also symbolizes sadness, coldness and detachment, all of which will be present in your relationships with people.

Dreamed of a bouquet of burgundy roses

If you dreamed of a bouquet of burgundy roses, fortune will favor you, you will get a second chance to return to your old relationship, to refresh feelings that seemed forever forgotten. Don’t try to repeat your previous relationship, the future is reserved for a new one, you shouldn’t live in the past.

Dreaming of a bouquet of scarlet roses

Why do you dream about a bouquet of scarlet roses? The dream foreshadows the fulfillment of cherished desires. Scarlet roses symbolize love, respect, recognition of your merits in any field.

How did a bouquet of roses end up in your dream?

Receive a bouquet of roses in a dream

Did you receive a bouquet of roses in a dream? In love, constancy and fidelity await you. The dream indicates your readiness for a more serious relationship. Unmarried girls will receive a marriage proposal.

Gave a bouquet of roses in a dream

A dream about receiving a bouquet of roses as a gift hints at your excessive impulsiveness and habit of rushing things. You should get rid of these character traits, otherwise the consequences will not be the most pleasant. Instead of chaotic actions, it is worth thoughtfully sorting out the tormenting questions and finally making a choice.

What size bouquet did you see in your dream?

Why do you dream about a big bouquet of roses?

I dreamed of a large bouquet of roses - pay attention to who you received it from. Most likely, in reality this person is very much in love with you, even if he doesn’t show it in any way.


Roses according to the dream book

Almost always, a bouquet of fragrant, delicate, incredibly beautiful roses is a worthy addition to the main gift for a woman, and in real life the sight of these flowers evokes only positive emotions. Why do you dream of a pink bouquet, what secrets do roses hide in a dream? Our dream book will tell you about this.

Why do you dream of a pink bouquet: joy or sadness?

According to the predictions of the women's dream book, seeing roses in a dream that bloom, bloom, and exude a pleasant aroma is a very good sign for the fairer sex. A happy event awaits them, and there is no doubt about the fidelity of their spouse or lover.

In general, the dream book gives a good interpretation of a dream where you saw any flowers, and especially roses. The main condition is that they must look good. But if the flower fades, then this is a harbinger of health problems, and a series of not very pleasant events in general.

Also, the lunar dream book promises quite good events if you dreamed of roses. A young girl who sees such a plot will expect new love if she is currently free, or the ignition of an old passion if her heart is already occupied.

According to Miller's dream book, roses are more often a good prognosis than a bad one. The plot with fragrant flowers is interpreted depending on the details of the dream. Inhaling the aroma of a pink bouquet is a harbinger of pure joy that nothing can overshadow. And if a girl holds armfuls of flowers in a dream, then she will soon be proposed to.

According to the love dream book, seeing roses in a dream is a symbol of good fortune in everything. All endeavors will be successful, and peace and unprecedented harmony will reign in the family. If the flowers are white, then this is a harbinger of a new spiritual connection, which may well develop into love.

Azar's dream book gives a very interesting interpretation of a dream about roses, but only if a young lady dreamed about them. A very successful flirtation awaits her, which may well develop into a serious relationship, and even lead to marriage.

According to the dream book of Simon Canaanite, the meaning of a dream where roses were cut from a bush by the dreamer is a harbinger of temptations and the intricacies of fate. The dream book promises a passion for the opposite sex, which can be either mutual or unrequited.

What do roses mean in a dream according to the French dream book? This is also a good sign, especially for family people. Even if the family’s situation now leaves much to be desired, you can rest assured that in the near future the house will become a full cup filled with comfort and warmth.

Flowers of different colors and types

No matter how trivial it may be, most women, especially those with romantic and amorous natures, like noble pink flowers. Why do you dream about pink roses? This is a designation of a nascent relationship, not deep feelings, not hot passion, but simply light infatuation, flirting. But it is possible that on this basis a person who sees such a plot will be able to build a strong couple.

Cunning and cunning are symbolized by yellow roses. For those who have already found their soulmate, such a dream should be the first sign of possible betrayal. And for free people, the dream book interprets such a plot as gossip, conspiracies and intrigues around the dreamer.

Exotic, original, incredibly beautiful, but at the same time repulsive because of the legend associated with them, blue roses - why do you dream about them? Despite their beauty, they do not bode well for good events. This is a harbinger of cooling of feelings between people in love.

Why do you dream of black roses? The dream book interprets such a picture as not very favorable. In the future, you will have to face the betrayal of a loved one, or you will receive very sad news about him.

The all-consuming passion of two loving hearts is what burgundy roses mean in dreams. The dream book interprets this dream either as the revival of slightly extinguished feelings, or as the appearance in life of a new object of adoration, to whom the dreamer will give all of himself without reserve, and this will be mutual.

Why do you dream of scarlet roses? Scarlet, as rich and intense, symbolizes the fulfillment of a cherished dream, the achievement of a goal that you have been striving for for a long time. Most likely, your desire is related to material well-being, since red or purple is always a harbinger of prosperity.

We associate orange with brightness, sunshine, positivity, and what orange roses mean in dreams will also bring unprecedented joy to the dreamer. He will be praised and exalted, he will bask in the rays of glory, which will very easily come to him.

The dream book’s warning that it is high time to forget old, outdated relationships, love that can no longer be returned, cooled passion, and start life anew - everything will definitely work out - this is what blue roses mean in dreams.

Why do you dream of living roses? The dream book explains that the most important thing is that they exude a pleasant aroma, that their petals are fresh and elastic, and then the person who sees such a picture will experience unprecedented happiness and joy.

The dream book interprets differently what rose bushes mean in dreams. In the first case, a lot depends on the coloring of the buds, and if the flowers on the bush are scarlet, then you can hope for the fulfillment of your cherished desire. If you are married or married, then expect wonderful news about an imminent addition to the family.

Why do you dream about a lot of roses? A young girl who saw many pink bouquets in a dream, and was happy about it, can expect a marriage proposal, to which she will answer: “I agree.”

A rosebud that you looked at in a dream is not a very good sign. The dream book promises wasted tears, unjustified sadness and depression. It’s worth taking a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, giving your tense nerves a break, and then everything will fall back into place.

Rose petals that you pick from a flower in a dream are a bad omen. With your own hands you are destroying love happiness, driving away the person who really loves and appreciates you.

Also, a sign of sadness and fading feelings are dry roses in a dream. You shouldn’t be sad about past relationships and faded passion, life gives you every chance to meet new love, and the main thing is to grab luck by the tail and not be afraid of new feelings.

Artificial roses in a dream are a signal from the dream book that you simply need to improve the situation in your family, because at the moment everything is built purely on habit, you need to revive your former passion, and hold on to your feelings with all your might - they have a right to exist.

A harbinger of a serious conflict between lovers is a broken rose in a dream. And if the flower is also a little withered, or completely dried out, then it is possible that a quarrel will be followed by separation.

Actions with flowers in a dream

If you were given roses in a dream, then this plot is interpreted by the dream book depending on their number and color. For example, if there is only one flower, then you have one faithful friend in your life who will do anything for you.

In general, what dreams of gifted roses mean is a symbol of friendship and support, and if they are scarlet in color, then your friendship is particularly strong and mutually supportive. Receiving white roses in a dream means the purity and fidelity of your soulmate. You can completely trust her, she will not deceive.

If a young girl had to give roses in a dream, then in reality she will face a conflict situation with the people to whom she gave them. But planting roses in a dream is a foreshadowing of a dream book about the embodiment of romantic fantasies.

A business man who had to buy roses in a dream can confidently expect success in business. If the dreamer is a girl, then this is a prediction from the dream book that there will be stability and mutual understanding in her relationship with the opposite sex.

Three roses that were given to you in a dream means that you are surrounded by faithful and devoted friends who will not betray you under any circumstances. And what two roses mean in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a bad omen. An even number is a symbol of mourning and sadness.

Withered roses in a dream are the personification of mental loneliness, sad thoughts, the desire to find love and friends. Also, for those who are in love, this is a harbinger of separation or a quarrel with their other half.

Why else do you dream of withered roses? The dream book gives a warning: even if there is stability and mutual understanding in your relationship now, do not rush to relax. Perhaps your loved one is hiding something from you.

From the erotic side, the dream book interprets seeing rose thorns in a dream. The thorn represents the phallus, and if you prick yourself on it, then beware of sexual harassment in real life.

An unmarried girl who had to cut roses in a dream can have no doubt what such a plot means: the dream book promises a wedding celebration or a marriage proposal. If you saw roses in a vase in a dream, then you will soon have stunning success with the opposite sex.


A bouquet is generally considered a symbol of love. This meaning of such a dream is especially enhanced if you dreamed of a bouquet of roses.

In addition, various variations in interpretation are possible, depending on other circumstances. For example, receiving a bouquet of red roses is a sign of good news, good news, perhaps a prediction of an imminent marriage proposal. But a bouquet of white roses, on the contrary, is often considered a symbol of separation, imminent separation, or some kind of bad news. You need to be wary if the bouquet is old and withered - it is possible that your health is in danger.


Dream Interpretation Bouquet of pink roses

Why do you dream of a Bouquet of pink roses in a dream according to the dream book?

A bouquet of pink roses - a lyrical mood, pleasant love emotions. Your soul sings and rejoices.


The dream book’s interpretation of dreams in which you receive a bouquet of red roses is simple and unambiguous - you have days ahead filled with love and passion. For married ladies, such a dream means an ardent lover or the return of former passion in a marital relationship.

If in your dream you just see a bouquet of red roses, then this is a good sign. You have every opportunity to add romance and passion to your everyday life. Making a bouquet of red roses in a dream means you will regret the rash actions committed in a fit of passion. Try not to commit rash acts and not lose your head, because the consequences of this can be extremely negative for both you and your loved ones.


Bouquet of pink roses

Dream Interpretation Bouquet of pink roses dreamed of why you dream about a Bouquet of pink roses? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bouquet of pink roses in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Dream Interpretation - Roses

See also Flowers.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Rose is a symbol of mystery.

Giving roses is the death of hopes.

Yellow rose - fidelity.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Dream Interpretation - Pink bouquet

Happiness awaits

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Dream Interpretation - Rose


Bouquet of white roses

Dream Interpretation Bouquet of white roses

Dream Interpretation - Rose

A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity. Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite. Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foreshadow good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit. Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one. A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings. Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed. If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you. A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life. Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future. It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage. Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage. Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear. Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you. Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit. Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover. A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

See also Flowers.

Walking among the rose bushes and enjoying the aroma of blooming roses - you will find yourself in an elegant society where you will have a pleasant time. Picking a rose: for unmarried people - for an imminent wedding. For married people - to conjugal love and harmony in relationships.

Buy roses - you will achieve reciprocity. If you wanted to buy roses, but you didn’t have enough money, your loved one will not return your feelings.

Imagine that the seller gives you a big discount and you buy the most beautiful bouquet.

Caring for roses in the garden - your courtship of a gentle person will be successful. If the roses bloom, it will end in a wedding. Seeing dried or fading roses - you will meet your first love, and this will make you sad.

If you don't want the dream to come true, imagine throwing roses into the fire.

Pricking yourself on a rose thorn means a quarrel with your loved one.

Imagine that you didn’t inject yourself too much, the pain went away immediately.

Roses in the house dream of material well-being in the house and good relationships between all household members.

Imagine that your entire house is filled with bouquets of blooming, fragrant roses.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Rose is a symbol of mystery.

Rose bush - happiness in love / joy / something related to the holy virgin.

Seeing and picking roses in general is a sign of joy.

Receiving roses as a gift is a wish fulfillment / some kind of secret.

Giving roses is the death of hopes.

To prick yourself on thorns - you will suffer / suffering from love, the disease of love.

Scarlet rose - love / something connected with your blood / your spiritual strength.

A very red rose - hot love, passion.

White rose - separation / danger to the life of a loved one / hermit, monastic lifestyle / someone’s virginity, purity, chastity / someone’s soul on the verge of entering life / the pure soul of the deceased.

Yellow rose - fidelity.

Blue rose - forget the past, a new life begins.

Withered rose - life and health in danger / irretrievably flown joys / the end of something good.

A crumbling rose is the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is in vain to awaken old feelings

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Blooming and fragrant roses promise the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one.

If a girl cuts roses in a dream, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal that she will like.

Withered roses indicate that you do not have the only one you love.

If you see in a dream white roses on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, it means. A serious illness awaits you.

If in a dream you inhale the scent of roses, this will bring you unclouded joy.

If a girl dreams of armfuls of roses or she dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets of them, it means that she will be very happy when she receives an offer from a person whom she values ​​very highly.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, lasting material well-being awaits you.

A dried rosebush portends illness among your loved ones or other sorrows.

A bright bush of scarlet roses foretells the fulfillment of great hopes in your family.

If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this promises her deception.

To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in the spring - fortunately, in winter - is a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Seeing a fragrant bush of blooming roses is a sign of reciprocity for lovers. A rose bush covered with snow is a harbinger of sadness and longing from separation from a loved one. A crushed or uprooted rose bush means trouble at work.

Picking roses means early marriage, smelling them means joyful experiences, putting them in a vase means you’ll get yourself a new admirer. A bouquet of roses means that in real life they will try to persuade you to accept unfavorable conditions.

Withered roses - you will be deceived and abandoned.

White roses threaten to complicate your relationship with your boss as a result of your refusal to sleep with him, scarlet roses are a sign of a pleasant holiday and useful activities, cream roses - be careful in real life so as not to buy into flattery and deception. Seeing black or yellow roses in a dream is a harbinger of separation or betrayal.

Receiving roses as a gift is a vain expectation of attention, love and affection. Giving roses yourself means fulfilling your hopes; buying them means lasting material well-being awaits you. An unopened bud on a rose means childlessness, a rose with fallen petals means early old age.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

A blooming rose means joy and happiness.

Picking a rose means a quick marriage.

Receive a rose as a gift - true love and a happy future await you.

Smelling a rose is a sign of long life.

Seeing a rose bush means happiness in love and joy.

Scarlet rose - symbolizes love, something connected with relatives, your spiritual strength.

A bright red rose - dreams of separation, danger for a loved one.

A faded yellow rose symbolizes joys that have passed away irretrievably, the end of something good.

A crumbling rose - towards the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is to awaken old feelings in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Roses - If you saw roses in a dream, then consider that fortune smiled on you. Blooming roses seen in a dream promise you the approach of some joyful event and an amazing kinship of souls with your chosen one. If you dreamed of withered roses, it means that true love has not yet come to you. A dream in which you see white roses foreshadows a spiritual or physical connection that will change your whole life and make you look at the world with different eyes. You will feel true pleasure and experience hitherto unknown feelings. If you dreamed that you were inhaling the scent of roses, then life will be favorable to you and will give you its blessings, let you taste the fruit of love and reconcile with others.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

They foretell a joyful event in your life or in the life of your chosen one. If you dreamed that you were giving roses to some woman, then you should take a closer look at her; probably, it is with her that you will have a long-term relationship, of a business or personal nature. Giving a woman red roses - you will be bound by love, or this serves as proof that she is worthy of your love. White roses, especially slightly wilted ones, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays symbolize the illness of one of your relatives. Withered roses of a different color mean that your love will soon pass.

Seeing in a dream a whole rose bush with blooming flowers is a promise of replenishment of your family, someone new will appear in it. If the roses are scarlet, then this addition will be welcome and will bring a lot of joy in the future. If the roses on the bush have dried up and died, then someone in your family will die or become seriously ill.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Blooming and fragrant roses seen in a dream promise a joyful event and fidelity to the chosen one.

If in a dream you inhaled the scent of roses, there is unclouded joy ahead.

If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which she will be happy about.

Withered roses indicate your loneliness.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, know that lasting material well-being awaits you.

If a girl decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, then her beloved will deceive her.

A bouquet of scarlet roses given to you in the spring is a dream of happiness, in the winter - a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet means love.


See a bouquet of roses

Dream Interpretation Seeing a bouquet of roses dreamed of why you dream about seeing a bouquet of roses? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bouquet of roses in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rose

A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity. Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite. Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foreshadow good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit. Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one. A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings. Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed. If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you. A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life. Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future. It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage. Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage. Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear. Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you. Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit. Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover. A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

See also Flowers.

Walking among the rose bushes and enjoying the aroma of blooming roses - you will find yourself in an elegant society where you will have a pleasant time. Picking a rose: for unmarried people - for an imminent wedding. For married people - to conjugal love and harmony in relationships.

Buy roses - you will achieve reciprocity. If you wanted to buy roses, but you didn’t have enough money, your loved one will not return your feelings.

Imagine that the seller gives you a big discount and you buy the most beautiful bouquet.

Caring for roses in the garden - your courtship of a gentle person will be successful. If the roses bloom, it will end in a wedding. Seeing dried or fading roses - you will meet your first love, and this will make you sad.

If you don't want the dream to come true, imagine throwing roses into the fire.

Pricking yourself on a rose thorn means a quarrel with your loved one.

Imagine that you didn’t inject yourself too much, the pain went away immediately.

Roses in the house dream of material well-being in the house and good relationships between all household members.

Imagine that your entire house is filled with bouquets of blooming, fragrant roses.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Rose is a symbol of mystery.

Rose bush - happiness in love / joy / something related to the holy virgin.

Seeing and picking roses in general is a sign of joy.

Receiving roses as a gift is a wish fulfillment / some kind of secret.

Giving roses is the death of hopes.

To prick yourself on thorns - you will suffer / suffering from love, the disease of love.

Scarlet rose - love / something connected with your blood / your spiritual strength.

A very red rose - hot love, passion.

White rose - separation / danger to the life of a loved one / hermit, monastic lifestyle / someone’s virginity, purity, chastity / someone’s soul on the verge of entering life / the pure soul of the deceased.

Yellow rose - fidelity.

Blue rose - forget the past, a new life begins.

Withered rose - life and health in danger / irretrievably flown joys / the end of something good.

A crumbling rose is the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is in vain to awaken old feelings

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Blooming and fragrant roses promise the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one.

If a girl cuts roses in a dream, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal that she will like.

Withered roses indicate that you do not have the only one you love.

If you see in a dream white roses on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, it means. A serious illness awaits you.

If in a dream you inhale the scent of roses, this will bring you unclouded joy.

If a girl dreams of armfuls of roses or she dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets of them, it means that she will be very happy when she receives an offer from a person whom she values ​​very highly.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, lasting material well-being awaits you.

A dried rosebush portends illness among your loved ones or other sorrows.

A bright bush of scarlet roses foretells the fulfillment of great hopes in your family.

If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this promises her deception.

To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in the spring - fortunately, in winter - is a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Seeing a fragrant bush of blooming roses is a sign of reciprocity for lovers. A rose bush covered with snow is a harbinger of sadness and longing from separation from a loved one. A crushed or uprooted rose bush means trouble at work.

Picking roses means early marriage, smelling them means joyful experiences, putting them in a vase means you’ll get yourself a new admirer. A bouquet of roses means that in real life they will try to persuade you to accept unfavorable conditions.

Withered roses - you will be deceived and abandoned.

White roses threaten to complicate your relationship with your boss as a result of your refusal to sleep with him, scarlet roses are a sign of a pleasant holiday and useful activities, cream roses - be careful in real life so as not to buy into flattery and deception. Seeing black or yellow roses in a dream is a harbinger of separation or betrayal.

Receiving roses as a gift is a vain expectation of attention, love and affection. Giving roses yourself means fulfilling your hopes; buying them means lasting material well-being awaits you. An unopened bud on a rose means childlessness, a rose with fallen petals means early old age.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

A blooming rose means joy and happiness.

Picking a rose means a quick marriage.

Receive a rose as a gift - true love and a happy future await you.

Smelling a rose is a sign of long life.

Seeing a rose bush means happiness in love and joy.

Scarlet rose - symbolizes love, something connected with relatives, your spiritual strength.

A bright red rose - dreams of separation, danger for a loved one.

A faded yellow rose symbolizes joys that have passed away irretrievably, the end of something good.

A crumbling rose - towards the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is to awaken old feelings in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Roses - If you saw roses in a dream, then consider that fortune smiled on you. Blooming roses seen in a dream promise you the approach of some joyful event and an amazing kinship of souls with your chosen one. If you dreamed of withered roses, it means that true love has not yet come to you. A dream in which you see white roses foreshadows a spiritual or physical connection that will change your whole life and make you look at the world with different eyes. You will feel true pleasure and experience hitherto unknown feelings. If you dreamed that you were inhaling the scent of roses, then life will be favorable to you and will give you its blessings, let you taste the fruit of love and reconcile with others.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

They foretell a joyful event in your life or in the life of your chosen one. If you dreamed that you were giving roses to some woman, then you should take a closer look at her; probably, it is with her that you will have a long-term relationship, of a business or personal nature. Giving a woman red roses - you will be bound by love, or this serves as proof that she is worthy of your love. White roses, especially slightly wilted ones, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays symbolize the illness of one of your relatives. Withered roses of a different color mean that your love will soon pass.

Seeing in a dream a whole rose bush with blooming flowers is a promise of replenishment of your family, someone new will appear in it. If the roses are scarlet, then this addition will be welcome and will bring a lot of joy in the future. If the roses on the bush have dried up and died, then someone in your family will die or become seriously ill.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Blooming and fragrant roses seen in a dream promise a joyful event and fidelity to the chosen one.

If in a dream you inhaled the scent of roses, there is unclouded joy ahead.

If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which she will be happy about.

Withered roses indicate your loneliness.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, know that lasting material well-being awaits you.

If a girl decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, then her beloved will deceive her.

A bouquet of scarlet roses given to you in the spring is a dream of happiness, in the winter - a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet means love.

If you were given a bouquet of flowers, they will make you some kind of proposal.

If you dreamed that you were giving flowers to someone, an important meeting awaits you.

If you are carrying a bouquet - for an imminent wedding.

If you dreamed of a wedding and caught a bouquet, you will meet true love.

If the bouquet has wilted, take a closer look at your condition.

A bouquet given to you means they will propose to you.

If you give a bouquet, you will meet someone who will captivate you greatly.

Carrying a bouquet means an imminent wedding.

Catching a bouquet thrown at you means meeting true love.

Throwing a bouquet - to displeasure, annoyance.

Withered flowers in a bouquet mean illness.


Bouquets of colorful roses

Dream Interpretation Bouquets of multi-colored roses dreamed of why you dream about Bouquets of multi-colored roses? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Bouquets of multi-colored roses in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rose

A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity. Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite. Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foreshadow good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit. Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one. A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings. Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed. If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you. A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life. Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future. It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage. Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage. Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear. Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you. Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit. Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover. A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

See also Flowers.

Walking among the rose bushes and enjoying the aroma of blooming roses - you will find yourself in an elegant society where you will have a pleasant time. Picking a rose: for unmarried people - for an imminent wedding. For married people - to conjugal love and harmony in relationships.

Buy roses - you will achieve reciprocity. If you wanted to buy roses, but you didn’t have enough money, your loved one will not return your feelings.

Imagine that the seller gives you a big discount and you buy the most beautiful bouquet.

Caring for roses in the garden - your courtship of a gentle person will be successful. If the roses bloom, it will end in a wedding. Seeing dried or fading roses - you will meet your first love, and this will make you sad.

If you don't want the dream to come true, imagine throwing roses into the fire.

Pricking yourself on a rose thorn means a quarrel with your loved one.

Imagine that you didn’t inject yourself too much, the pain went away immediately.

Roses in the house dream of material well-being in the house and good relationships between all household members.

Imagine that your entire house is filled with bouquets of blooming, fragrant roses.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Rose is a symbol of mystery.

Rose bush - happiness in love / joy / something related to the holy virgin.

Seeing and picking roses in general is a sign of joy.

Receiving roses as a gift is a wish fulfillment / some kind of secret.

Giving roses is the death of hopes.

To prick yourself on thorns - you will suffer / suffering from love, the disease of love.

Scarlet rose - love / something connected with your blood / your spiritual strength.

A very red rose - hot love, passion.

White rose - separation / danger to the life of a loved one / hermit, monastic lifestyle / someone’s virginity, purity, chastity / someone’s soul on the verge of entering life / the pure soul of the deceased.

Yellow rose - fidelity.

Blue rose - forget the past, a new life begins.

Withered rose - life and health in danger / irretrievably flown joys / the end of something good.

A crumbling rose is the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is in vain to awaken old feelings

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Blooming and fragrant roses promise the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one.

If a girl cuts roses in a dream, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal that she will like.

Withered roses indicate that you do not have the only one you love.

If you see in a dream white roses on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, it means. A serious illness awaits you.

If in a dream you inhale the scent of roses, this will bring you unclouded joy.

If a girl dreams of armfuls of roses or she dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets of them, it means that she will be very happy when she receives an offer from a person whom she values ​​very highly.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, lasting material well-being awaits you.

A dried rosebush portends illness among your loved ones or other sorrows.

A bright bush of scarlet roses foretells the fulfillment of great hopes in your family.

If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this promises her deception.

To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in the spring - fortunately, in winter - is a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Seeing a fragrant bush of blooming roses is a sign of reciprocity for lovers. A rose bush covered with snow is a harbinger of sadness and longing from separation from a loved one. A crushed or uprooted rose bush means trouble at work.

Picking roses means early marriage, smelling them means joyful experiences, putting them in a vase means you’ll get yourself a new admirer. A bouquet of roses means that in real life they will try to persuade you to accept unfavorable conditions.

Withered roses - you will be deceived and abandoned.

White roses threaten to complicate your relationship with your boss as a result of your refusal to sleep with him, scarlet roses are a sign of a pleasant holiday and useful activities, cream roses - be careful in real life so as not to buy into flattery and deception. Seeing black or yellow roses in a dream is a harbinger of separation or betrayal.

Receiving roses as a gift is a vain expectation of attention, love and affection. Giving roses yourself means fulfilling your hopes; buying them means lasting material well-being awaits you. An unopened bud on a rose means childlessness, a rose with fallen petals means early old age.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

A blooming rose means joy and happiness.

Picking a rose means a quick marriage.

Receive a rose as a gift - true love and a happy future await you.

Smelling a rose is a sign of long life.

Seeing a rose bush means happiness in love and joy.

Scarlet rose - symbolizes love, something connected with relatives, your spiritual strength.

A bright red rose - dreams of separation, danger for a loved one.

A faded yellow rose symbolizes joys that have passed away irretrievably, the end of something good.

A crumbling rose - towards the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is to awaken old feelings in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Roses - If you saw roses in a dream, then consider that fortune smiled on you. Blooming roses seen in a dream promise you the approach of some joyful event and an amazing kinship of souls with your chosen one. If you dreamed of withered roses, it means that true love has not yet come to you. A dream in which you see white roses foreshadows a spiritual or physical connection that will change your whole life and make you look at the world with different eyes. You will feel true pleasure and experience hitherto unknown feelings. If you dreamed that you were inhaling the scent of roses, then life will be favorable to you and will give you its blessings, let you taste the fruit of love and reconcile with others.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

They foretell a joyful event in your life or in the life of your chosen one. If you dreamed that you were giving roses to some woman, then you should take a closer look at her; probably, it is with her that you will have a long-term relationship, of a business or personal nature. Giving a woman red roses - you will be bound by love, or this serves as proof that she is worthy of your love. White roses, especially slightly wilted ones, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays symbolize the illness of one of your relatives. Withered roses of a different color mean that your love will soon pass.

Seeing in a dream a whole rose bush with blooming flowers is a promise of replenishment of your family, someone new will appear in it. If the roses are scarlet, then this addition will be welcome and will bring a lot of joy in the future. If the roses on the bush have dried up and died, then someone in your family will die or become seriously ill.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Blooming and fragrant roses seen in a dream promise a joyful event and fidelity to the chosen one.

If in a dream you inhaled the scent of roses, there is unclouded joy ahead.

If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which she will be happy about.

Withered roses indicate your loneliness.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, know that lasting material well-being awaits you.

If a girl decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, then her beloved will deceive her.

A bouquet of scarlet roses given to you in the spring is a dream of happiness, in the winter - a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet means love.

If you were given a bouquet of flowers, they will make you some kind of proposal.

If you dreamed that you were giving flowers to someone, an important meeting awaits you.

If you are carrying a bouquet - for an imminent wedding.

If you dreamed of a wedding and caught a bouquet, you will meet true love.

If the bouquet has wilted, take a closer look at your condition.

A bouquet given to you means they will propose to you.

If you give a bouquet, you will meet someone who will captivate you greatly.

Carrying a bouquet means an imminent wedding.

Catching a bouquet thrown at you means meeting true love.

Throwing a bouquet - to displeasure, annoyance.

Withered flowers in a bouquet mean illness.


Bouquet of white roses

Dream Interpretation Bouquet of white roses dreamed of why you dream about a Bouquet of white roses? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bouquet of white roses in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rose

A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity. Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite. Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foreshadow good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit. Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one. A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings. Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed. If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you. A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life. Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future. It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage. Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage. Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear. Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you. Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit. Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover. A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

See also Flowers.

Walking among the rose bushes and enjoying the aroma of blooming roses - you will find yourself in an elegant society where you will have a pleasant time. Picking a rose: for unmarried people - for an imminent wedding. For married people - to conjugal love and harmony in relationships.

Buy roses - you will achieve reciprocity. If you wanted to buy roses, but you didn’t have enough money, your loved one will not return your feelings.

Imagine that the seller gives you a big discount and you buy the most beautiful bouquet.

Caring for roses in the garden - your courtship of a gentle person will be successful. If the roses bloom, it will end in a wedding. Seeing dried or fading roses - you will meet your first love, and this will make you sad.

If you don't want the dream to come true, imagine throwing roses into the fire.

Pricking yourself on a rose thorn means a quarrel with your loved one.

Imagine that you didn’t inject yourself too much, the pain went away immediately.

Roses in the house dream of material well-being in the house and good relationships between all household members.

Imagine that your entire house is filled with bouquets of blooming, fragrant roses.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Rose is a symbol of mystery.

Rose bush - happiness in love / joy / something related to the holy virgin.

Seeing and picking roses in general is a sign of joy.

Receiving roses as a gift is a wish fulfillment / some kind of secret.

Giving roses is the death of hopes.

To prick yourself on thorns - you will suffer / suffering from love, the disease of love.

Scarlet rose - love / something connected with your blood / your spiritual strength.

A very red rose - hot love, passion.

White rose - separation / danger to the life of a loved one / hermit, monastic lifestyle / someone’s virginity, purity, chastity / someone’s soul on the verge of entering life / the pure soul of the deceased.

Yellow rose - fidelity.

Blue rose - forget the past, a new life begins.

Withered rose - life and health in danger / irretrievably flown joys / the end of something good.

A crumbling rose is the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is in vain to awaken old feelings

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Blooming and fragrant roses promise the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one.

If a girl cuts roses in a dream, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal that she will like.

Withered roses indicate that you do not have the only one you love.

If you see in a dream white roses on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, it means. A serious illness awaits you.

If in a dream you inhale the scent of roses, this will bring you unclouded joy.

If a girl dreams of armfuls of roses or she dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets of them, it means that she will be very happy when she receives an offer from a person whom she values ​​very highly.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, lasting material well-being awaits you.

A dried rosebush portends illness among your loved ones or other sorrows.

A bright bush of scarlet roses foretells the fulfillment of great hopes in your family.

If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this promises her deception.

To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in the spring - fortunately, in winter - is a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Seeing a fragrant bush of blooming roses is a sign of reciprocity for lovers. A rose bush covered with snow is a harbinger of sadness and longing from separation from a loved one. A crushed or uprooted rose bush means trouble at work.

Picking roses means early marriage, smelling them means joyful experiences, putting them in a vase means you’ll get yourself a new admirer. A bouquet of roses means that in real life they will try to persuade you to accept unfavorable conditions.

Withered roses - you will be deceived and abandoned.

White roses threaten to complicate your relationship with your boss as a result of your refusal to sleep with him, scarlet roses are a sign of a pleasant holiday and useful activities, cream roses - be careful in real life so as not to buy into flattery and deception. Seeing black or yellow roses in a dream is a harbinger of separation or betrayal.

Receiving roses as a gift is a vain expectation of attention, love and affection. Giving roses yourself means fulfilling your hopes; buying them means lasting material well-being awaits you. An unopened bud on a rose means childlessness, a rose with fallen petals means early old age.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

A blooming rose means joy and happiness.

Picking a rose means a quick marriage.

Receive a rose as a gift - true love and a happy future await you.

Smelling a rose is a sign of long life.

Seeing a rose bush means happiness in love and joy.

Scarlet rose - symbolizes love, something connected with relatives, your spiritual strength.

A bright red rose - dreams of separation, danger for a loved one.

A faded yellow rose symbolizes joys that have passed away irretrievably, the end of something good.

A crumbling rose - towards the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is to awaken old feelings in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

Roses - If you saw roses in a dream, then consider that fortune smiled on you. Blooming roses seen in a dream promise you the approach of some joyful event and an amazing kinship of souls with your chosen one. If you dreamed of withered roses, it means that true love has not yet come to you. A dream in which you see white roses foreshadows a spiritual or physical connection that will change your whole life and make you look at the world with different eyes. You will feel true pleasure and experience hitherto unknown feelings. If you dreamed that you were inhaling the scent of roses, then life will be favorable to you and will give you its blessings, let you taste the fruit of love and reconcile with others.

Dream Interpretation - Roses

They foretell a joyful event in your life or in the life of your chosen one. If you dreamed that you were giving roses to some woman, then you should take a closer look at her; probably, it is with her that you will have a long-term relationship, of a business or personal nature. Giving a woman red roses - you will be bound by love, or this serves as proof that she is worthy of your love. White roses, especially slightly wilted ones, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays symbolize the illness of one of your relatives. Withered roses of a different color mean that your love will soon pass.

Seeing in a dream a whole rose bush with blooming flowers is a promise of replenishment of your family, someone new will appear in it. If the roses are scarlet, then this addition will be welcome and will bring a lot of joy in the future. If the roses on the bush have dried up and died, then someone in your family will die or become seriously ill.

Dream Interpretation - Rose

Blooming and fragrant roses seen in a dream promise a joyful event and fidelity to the chosen one.

If in a dream you inhaled the scent of roses, there is unclouded joy ahead.

If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which she will be happy about.

Withered roses indicate your loneliness.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, know that lasting material well-being awaits you.

If a girl decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, then her beloved will deceive her.

A bouquet of scarlet roses given to you in the spring is a dream of happiness, in the winter - a vain expectation.

Dream Interpretation - Bouquet

Seeing a bouquet means love.

If you were given a bouquet of flowers, they will make you some kind of proposal.

If you dreamed that you were giving flowers to someone, an important meeting awaits you.

If you are carrying a bouquet - for an imminent wedding.

If you dreamed of a wedding and caught a bouquet, you will meet true love.

If the bouquet has wilted, take a closer look at your condition.

A bouquet given to you means they will propose to you.

If you give a bouquet, you will meet someone who will captivate you greatly.

Carrying a bouquet means an imminent wedding.

Catching a bouquet thrown at you means meeting true love.

Throwing a bouquet - to displeasure, annoyance.

Withered flowers in a bouquet mean illness.

Any girl would be pleased to receive a bouquet of roses from her beloved man. But why do these flowers appear in a dream? Why do you dream of red roses and how to interpret such a dream - it’s worth figuring out.

Why do you dream of red roses - basic interpretation

Flowers in a dream represent the inner beauty of a person, his passionate desire to receive everything from life, to live in love and enjoy every day. Roses are quite elegant and sophisticated flowers, which are given not only on special occasions, but also as a sign of gratitude and tender feelings for a person.

In many dream books you can find an interpretation of a dream about red roses as a harbinger of passionate desires and feelings, a harbinger of incredible changes in your personal life. But it is worth paying special attention to the details of the dream, to what mood the dream gives the dreamer. It is important to remember all the details, all the characters in the dream. Perhaps you know these people, or you are seeing them for the first time.

It is also worth taking a close look at the shade of the flowers. It can be very diverse and, in connection with this, the interpretation of the dream will also differ. The classic interpretation says that roses with bright red petals symbolize passionate and intense feelings. Roses with darker petals symbolize a riddle and secret, which, by solving it, a person will gain access to the heart of a loved one.

If you dream of red and pink roses in a bouquet, the relationship is just beginning, but it has every chance of becoming happy. First, they will drag a person, as they say, into the pool headlong and he will drown in his own emotions without looking back, then they will allow him to get to know himself through another person.

If a stranger gives you such a bouquet in a dream, try to remember his facial features and everything he told you. There may be great meaning hidden in his words. It could be a harbinger of significant changes in your personal life in the future.

If you happened to see red and white roses in a dream, such a dream suggests that the relationship will be like a pendulum. At first, one of the partners will play the leading role in the relationship, then the second partner will take over. As a result, everyone will get their own comfort zone and the relationship will begin to bring joy.

If in a dream you dream of a huge bouquet of red roses, such a dream symbolizes the desire to get the object of desire, the desire to conclude or strengthen a marriage. For single girls, such a dream means that they will soon get married.

If in a dream you prick your finger on the thorns of a red rose, in reality you will be deceived and betrayed. You will encounter a two-faced partner who beautifully looks after you and evokes passion and tender feelings in you, but in reality all his promises are empty.

If the connection is secret in reality, then most likely it will not be possible to continue hiding it from prying eyes. You will have to prepare for the fact that secrets will be revealed and you will be exposed. If a man dreams of buying a huge bouquet of red roses for his beloved, in reality he will quarrel with her, the conversation will be quite passionate and principled. If a man dreams of collecting a bouquet of red roses with his own hands, such a dream promises a romantic date, new acquaintances and relationships.

If you dream of a huge bouquet, the feelings will be mutual. If a lonely person has such a dream, life will give him hope that everything will soon get better and relationships will receive a new impetus for development. If the dream is dreamed by those who are married, such a dream promises a new stage in the relationship, when mutual understanding and mutual love are very important.

Why do you dream of red roses according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says why a woman dreams of red roses - she is quite active in relationships, longs for passion and love. At the same time, she needs a relationship with a man who could become a full-fledged partner for her and would not constrain her life priorities.

If a woman dreams that she received roses as a gift, it is worth taking a closer look at who it will be from, it is with this person that an affair is possible. If the donor is unknown, you should expect unexpected meetings and acquaintances with rather extraordinary people.

If a man dreams that he was given red roses, some woman really wants reciprocity from him. If he himself gave someone a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream, he should take a closer look at who exactly received it. It is this girl who will force him to change his life priorities and settle down.

It is also worth paying special attention to the following interpretations of sleep:

Fresh roses with a wonderful aroma - to bright and passionate feelings;

Roses with dried petals - to health problems, fatigue, apathy;

Completely dried roses mean lingering disappointments in your personal life and depression.

Why do you dream of red roses according to Miller’s dream book

Miller’s dream book says that red roses dream of profit and prosperity for those to whom such a bouquet was presented. Particular attention should be paid to financial transactions, as they can be very profitable. If you give flowers personally, such a dream speaks of the possibility of entering into mutually beneficial cooperation.

If you dream of an odd number of roses, such a dream foretells a loss in love. It is worth taking a closer look at who appears in the dream. This person will be the culprit of troubles in his personal life. It is also important to remember if you have seen flowers in the hands of other people. Such a dream suggests that your family happiness may move on to someone else.

If in her dream a woman puts two buds in a vase, she is madly thirsting for passion and love, she has long wanted to get strong family relationships, but everything is against her. But she still shouldn’t go on a date with the first man who comes to hand, because she will make a mistake in her choice and will suffer for a long time. Also, such a relationship could harm her reputation. Moreover, if the woman was planning just an affair.

Why do you dream of red roses according to other dream books?

The eastern dream book says that dreams of red roses are harbingers of an imminent opportunity to build a family based on strong love. If you dream of exactly two buds, you will soon overcome loneliness, you will find a couple and a loved one.

If you dream about artificial buds, this does not have a positive interpretation, because such flowers do not promise feelings and joy in a dream; they rather promise protracted problems in your personal life and a sea of ​​misunderstandings with your partner.

If in a dream you were holding a huge bouquet of artificial flowers and then put it in a vase, you are in for a misunderstanding with your partner and a huge difference in your outlook on life and other interests. To avoid such colossal disagreements, you should try to listen to each other now.

If you dream about how red roses are simply withering in your vase, you should be more attentive to your health, as it will begin to let you down. The reason for this may be frequent stress and endless quarrels with loved ones. You should not shift the emotions that arose at work onto those who are close to you - people do not always understand and admit their guilt. But you will demand from them responsibility for what they have done, and this will only bring a passionate showdown, but not love.

The esoteric dream book says that an odd number of red roses in a dream means the opportunity to improve your personal life, and an even number means its complete destruction. At the same time, it is important to remember who exactly presented you with the bouquet. If it was a stranger and they simply dropped him at your door, such a dream suggests that you should be wary of all new acquaintances, as they could end in a scandal.

If you dream about red roses turning dry or black in your hands, expect negativity from someone around you. This person has been jealous of you for a long time and could not admit it to himself. But you are not to blame for other people’s problems and complexes - do not take responsibility for quarrels on yourself.

Of course, everyone will be pleased to see red roses in a dream, especially if we are talking about a huge bouquet given by a loved one. But what if in a dream you try to give a bouquet yourself, and you are refused? Such a dream promises only temporary pleasure in a relationship, after which you will want to continue, but your partner will not. But don’t be discouraged - this is not your last chance to build a family and gain mutual understanding with the opposite sex.

A bouquet of roses in a dream portends a lot of good things. In reality, flowers always evoke joy and tenderness, and the same thing happens in a dream. Roses in a dream predict that in real life days will come filled with ardent passions and ardent love.

What if you dream of a bouquet of red roses?

What you dream of about a bouquet of red roses is marked by a joyful and happy event. For a woman who is married, a bouquet of such flowers in a dream means that former passionate feelings between spouses will come to life again.

These two people who love each other will once again enjoy presence and mutual communication. A bouquet of roses, both for women and for representatives of the stronger half of society, in a dream foreshadows a romantic and joyful period in real life.

At the moment, there are a lot of opportunities open to fill everyday life with some creative ideas and wonderful adventures.

When a dreamer sees himself in a dream making a bouquet of red flowers, then in reality he will regret his actions, which were committed in a passionate impulse.

The best solution would be not to resort to resolving important issues in a state of ardent passion, but to do this with a cool mind. After all, bad deeds committed will be very difficult to correct, and the aftertaste from them can remain for a long time, and the closest people can suffer.

A bouquet of roses is the personification of sincere and passionate love. It is very possible that these feelings are felt towards the dreamer by the person who presents this bouquet.

Almost all dream interpreters claim that if a young girl receives a bouquet of red roses in a dream, then soon in reality she will be asked to marry. For women and girls, a bouquet in a dream means that they are sincerely loved in real life.

If, upon waking up in the morning, a woman cannot remember the face of the person who gave her roses in a dream, then soon she will meet the man she loves. Such a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new romance.

For a man, seeing a beautiful bouquet of roses in a dream means that he is loved with pure, sincere love and the woman next to him in reality is ready for a long relationship.

What does it portend?

A bouquet of scarlet roses means that in real life all wishes will be fulfilled. And also red and lush roses speak in a dream about the fidelity of the man who is nearby.

This dream means that you can trust him and the alliance with him will be strong and reliable. It’s bad when you dream about roses that have long since withered. This dream is a symbol of loneliness and longing for love that is not destined to be reciprocated.

A bouquet of unbloomed roses in a dream is a sign of financial well-being. Scarlet and beautiful roses in a dream are a symbol that the hopes of close relatives have come true.

When a man sees himself in a dream giving roses to a woman he knows, then he should take a closer look at her in reality. It is possible that she is his only love and destiny.

It is important to know that mutual love awaits two people who love each other if one of them gives the other flowers in a dream. But inhaling the wonderful aroma of red roses in a dream is a symbol of the fact that joy will soon come, which no one can overshadow.

Beautiful and blooming roses in a dream symbolize the love and fidelity of the chosen one or the chosen one, depending on who is having the dream. Withered roses, for both men and women, mean that true love has not yet been found, it means that there is still more to come. Roses in a dream represent flirtation and new love adventures that await the dreamer in reality.