Why do you dream about picking strawberries? Dream interpretation of why you dream about strawberries in the garden. What does the dream Strawberry mean?

Even such an ordinary berry as strawberry takes on its own symbolic meaning in dreams. As a rule, it reflects sexual desire, arousal and erotic fantasies. The answer to the question of why you dream of eating strawberries often relates to this area of ​​life. But in order to get a reliable interpretation, before opening the dream book, it is worth restoring the complete picture of the dream in your memory.

  1. Eating strawberries in a dream is an omen that promises an intimate evening with an unusual and vibrant lover.
  2. Extraordinary sexual pleasures that remain in the memory for a long time await those who scooped jam from this berry with a spoon in a dream.
  3. If the dreamer happened to eat strawberries in a dream while picking berries from the garden, an unexpected influx of finances awaits him. Also, such a dream foreshadows good luck in business and the implementation of existing plans.
  4. Ripe, appetizing and juicy strawberries, which appear in night vision, are a symbol of the subconscious need for love, new sexual relationships, and intimacy.
  5. If a sleeping person in a night picture happened to feed someone with this berry, in real life he experiences greater feelings and sympathy for the person he had to feed than friendship and friendly relations. Another interpretation of such a dream is the emergence of a new admirer, whose support the dreamer will take advantage of more than once.
  6. If a person of the same sex as the dreamer had to feed strawberries in a dream, the omen predicts joint work, rapprochement and truce.
  7. Eating strawberries with great appetite promises new acquaintances in real life, which can lead to a serious and long-term relationship.

Interpretation based on other details

If the berries eaten in a dream were sweet, this is a good omen that predicts pleasant events, warmth and balance in a romantic relationship. Eating berries in the company of friends - the dream suggests that in real life the dreamer can rely on those with whom he ate in the dream.

Making strawberry jam in your dream is an omen that promises the appearance of a new partner, but there is a possibility that he will not be completely sincere with the dreamer.

Drinking a drink made from these berries is a sign foretelling news in matters of the heart. Eating small fruits with an unpleasant taste is a sign that your partner’s feelings have cooled.

A dream in which the dreamer had a chance to enjoy strawberries with whipped cream speaks of a suddenly raging passion of unprecedented brightness and strength.

Another interpretation of this dream: eating strawberries in a night vision drawn by Morpheus is a sign of unexpected but pleasant news. Eating a cake decorated with this berry or drinking a drink made from it is a sign of a new sexual hobby for a woman. And for a man - to increase monthly income.

Also, a dream can foreshadow an acquaintance, which can turn into a serious relationship, and then into a strong and loving marriage, in which harmony and mutual trust will reign.

Eating dry, withered strawberries in a dream is an extremely bad omen for the one who had such a dream. It predicts a dizzying fall in love, which will end with disastrous consequences for the dreamer, such as abortion, sexually transmitted diseases or divorce.

The dreamer, in a night vision carefully caring for the berries growing in the beds and subsequently eating them, in real life repeatedly surprised those around him with his extraordinary position and ideas about the universe.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

According to this dream book, eating strawberries in a dream is an omen that promises the dreamer a bright night with a sexual partner, a wild passion that will break out.

Bright red strawberries, according to this interpreter, portend good luck in existing affairs and endeavors. Picking large strawberries in a dream means laying the foundation for a new project or romantic relationship with a long-term perspective.

Making strawberry jam is a symbol of the need for an amorous adventure and moral readiness for it. The initiator of a new relationship will most likely be the dreamer.

If in a night vision you had to watch someone else making jam, in reality the dreamer will succumb to the passion of this person.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychoanalyst and dream interpreter argued that strawberries are a symbol of sexual intercourse. If a sleeping person in a night vision eats a ripe, delicious berry, in reality he experiences a sexual desire that grows every day.

An unripe and tasteless fruit speaks of cooled feelings or intimate problems with your partner. If a person dreams of many ripe fruits, in real life he will soon receive sexual satisfaction. A dream in which you have to pick berries foreshadows unrequited love.

Miller's Dream Book

Juicy, delicious berries dream of upcoming love relationships in the near future and the dreamer’s concerns about matters of the heart.

One of the interpretations of this dream book comes from the sphere of love and intimacy. It says that large and strong fruits portend high income and enrichment, and small berries portend the appearance of a stable, albeit small, profit.

If in a dream a person ate sour berries, it means upcoming difficulties and trials. And smelling strawberries means a pleasant and unforgettable date. Rinsing fruits with running water is a sign of strong feelings.

Strawberries are a berry that people associate with romance, and if you see them in a dream, many people have the feeling that new experiences and acquaintances await them in their personal lives, tempting, long-remembering love adventures. Sometimes one even forgets that it is not for nothing that the aromatic berry is considered “forbidden” by the people.

Why do you dream about red strawberries?

As a rule, red strawberries dream of pleasant pleasures and prospects that open up in your personal life.

  1. If the dreamer is already connected by family ties, in reality he will have mutual understanding and a happy relationship with his soulmate.
  2. For those who have not yet gotten married, seeing red strawberries in a dream is a sign that the person will soon meet his future lover.
  3. If there are frequent misunderstandings and disagreements with your loved one, a dream about red strawberries foretells getting rid of quarrels for a long time.
  4. Why do you dream of ripe strawberries growing in a field - it means that serious matters will be in the background, and pleasures and ordinary everyday joys will become a priority.

Why do you dream about green strawberries?

As the dream book says, strawberries in a dream, if they are not ripe, warn of possible unwanted relationships. You should be more attentive to new acquaintances and not rush into relationships.

  1. Seeing green strawberries in a dream promises a fleeting, non-binding romance.
  2. If there were a lot of berries, then the dreamer will have many fans, but the relationship with none will go far.
  3. If a married person dreams of green fruits, it means that the family relationship is coming to an end and one must wait for a divorce.
  4. Women dream of green strawberries. It is likely that her partner will leave her alone without support.

Why do you dream about big strawberries?

People, having seen strawberries in a dream, are interested in why they dream of large, red strawberries. In most cases, this is a sign of love pleasures, passion and pleasures.

  1. Some dream books equally say what a huge strawberry is meant for in a dream – the renewal of passionate feelings between a couple who have been living together for many years.
  2. If there were strawberries on the plate, then soon the dreamer’s life will change for the better and there will be an opportunity for career growth.
  3. A dessert made from large strawberries is dreamed of as a sign that a person lacks love. Perhaps the relationship has outlived its usefulness, we need to light a fire in it or start new ones.

Why do you dream about a lot of strawberries?

According to the interpretation of dream books, strawberries in a dream foreshadow the achievement of set goals and future prospects.

  1. If there are a lot of strawberries in a dream, but they are unripe, then the dreamer is dissatisfied with his partner in his personal life.
  2. Eating strawberries from the garden means a meeting with your loved one will take place soon.
  3. Strawberries in compote are a sign that a person will get in touch with unpleasant people who can set him up.
  4. A field where a lot of strawberries grow promises in reality small, insignificant pleasures. Because of them, you can lose important things.

Why do you dream about strawberries in the garden?

The dream books say why you dream of strawberries in the garden, and this means inattention to one’s own person.

  1. If the beds are level, and the berries are appetizing and juicy, then a person should avoid conflicts, not get into trouble and not take rash actions.
  2. The dreamer takes a ripe strawberry from the garden - his relationship with his soulmate will be happy, strong, with a lot of positive emotions.

Why do you dream about a strawberry field?

Often seeing strawberries in a field in a dream foreshadows the same thing as dreams about this berry in general, but there are some nuances. As the dream book says, strawberries growing in a field can have several meanings.

  1. Fields with ripe red berries symbolize in reality wealth and well-being in the family.
  2. If the dreamer tramples and spoils the field where strawberries grow, you should think about your life. A person does not notice the happiness that is nearby; he is led by illusions. One has only to take a closer look at the acquaintances around him, and among them there will be someone who is sincerely disposed towards the dreamer.

Why do you dream about picking strawberries?

If a person has to pick strawberries in a dream, it can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the details.

  1. Picking berries in the kingdom of Morpheus can promise monotonous, routine work. It will not bring any pleasure, but only loss of time and money.
  2. Seeing another person picking strawberries will be an opportunity to avoid doing uninteresting, unpromising work.
  3. Collecting red berries sometimes means bringing to life non-standard useful ideas that will subsequently become in demand among people.
  4. This may also be a sign that the person will experience strong experiences in the background.

Why do you dream of stealing strawberries?

In general, stealing in a dream is not a good sign. According to the dream book, strawberries that are stolen do not bode well.

  1. Miller's dream book says that if you dreamed of strawberries stolen from someone, love adventures are expected, but they will be painful and will bring a lot of worries.
  2. Making jam from stolen strawberries - in reality, a fleeting romance awaits.
  3. If you steal dry or unripe berries, the marriage will end in divorce, the pregnant woman will lose her child, and if you change partners frequently, you will have to be treated for sexually transmitted diseases.

Why do you dream about a bucket of strawberries?

The dream books say that seeing a lot of strawberries in a dream is a sign of upcoming love pleasures, but if you pay attention to the details, the interpretation may differ.

  1. Strawberries in a bucket, from which you could smell and taste, promise a rapprochement with your loved one, the absence of misunderstandings between people. Love relationships will bring happiness and the most pleasant emotions.
  2. Seeing strawberries in a bucket for a pregnant woman in a dream is interpreted as a lack of romance with. Because of this, conflicts will arise with him.
  3. If a young unmarried girl dreams of strawberries in a bucket, a suitor will soon appear in her life. She needs to take a closer look at him, because perhaps she will marry him.
  4. A married lady dreams of strawberries in a bucket - her relationship with her other half has lost passion and ardent feelings. The couple takes things to the next level.
  5. A bucket of strawberries and bare bushes nearby is interpreted as impending loneliness, a break in relationships.

Why do you dream about wild strawberries?

  1. According to Miller’s dream book, strawberries in a woman’s dream means that she will have a romantic relationship in the future. A dizzying romance is unlikely to end in marriage, but it will leave a memory for a lifetime.
  2. Hasse interprets the dream: to see strawberries in a dream, and more specifically, wild strawberry bushes in an unexpected place, means an unexpected meeting of your love.
  3. The Esoteric Dream Book says that holding ripe wild strawberries in your hands actually gives a person a chance for great happiness.
  4. The author of the dream book, Longo, believes that strawberries have nothing to do with personal life. She dreams exclusively of success in work.
  5. The modern dream book adheres to the more widespread opinion that wild strawberries in a dream foreshadow sensual relationships and love pleasures.
  6. In the Summer and Children's Dream Book, the appearance of a ripe wild berry in a dream promises joyful events and fun.
  7. According to the Spring Dream Book, red berries are interpreted as nostalgia for past years, which can never be returned and nothing can be corrected.
  8. The Love Dream Interpretation interprets wild strawberries in the kingdom of Morpheus as an upcoming acquaintance with a person with whom great love will break out.
  9. According to the author of the Newest Dream Book, if the dreamer eats wild strawberries, then he will soon have a fleeting romantic encounter with the opposite sex.

Why do you dream of eating strawberries?

A dream in which a person eats strawberries foreshadows a luxurious life in reality.

  1. Eating large and ripe strawberries in a dream is a sign of getting a big project in the works.
  2. If a girl ate the fruit, then she will soon have an intimate relationship with a handsome guy. If the berries were sour, then there will be a cold attitude on his part.
  3. For an unmarried girl, such dreams predict an early meeting with her betrothed. If she ate berries from the garden, then she will find herself in her beloved arms.
  4. Unforgettable events and events await the person who ate strawberry pie in a dream.
  5. If a woman ate strawberry jam in a dream, she will have a walk in a noisy, cheerful company, perhaps it will be at work.

Why do you dream about rotten strawberries?

Rotten strawberries promise problems in your personal life and deteriorating health.

  1. For women, spoiled berries portend an abortion, a break in a relationship with a loved one, or loss of a job.
  2. What does strawberry mean in a dream for a man? Rotten fruits are a sign of a deteriorating financial situation.
  3. Rotten strawberries on the branches of bushes are an expectation in reality of misunderstanding with your husband. This can all result in divorce, abortion, or strong feelings after what happened.

How amazing our dreams can be! Every dream is rich in secrets and mysticism that can only be solved with the help of a dream book. In sleep, every cell of our brain and body rests and restores strength. During rest, the most amazing pictures and figures emerge in our memory, which carry hidden information. It is very important to pay attention in time to what you see in a dream in order to correctly interpret and understand it.

What else will the dream book tell you about: strawberries. Collecting such a beauty means reaping the fruits of your labors. You put in the effort, now you can enjoy the results of your work. However, if the strawberries are in a transparent bowl, people may envy you. Envy, as a rule, does not lead to anything good, so beware of envious people.

As the dream book interprets, eating strawberries means good news. A sweet taste speaks of a new acquaintance. The sour strawberry warns: your relationship may be destroyed due to evil tongues. Don't listen to anyone, be yourself. The bitter taste of the berries means bad news. People close to you, friends or even relatives may upset you. Perhaps your plans will collapse.

As the dream book interprets, strawberries in the garden beds indicate a good harvest. The word “harvest” can be understood both literally and figuratively. Your wishes will finally come true. If the strawberries in the beds bloom with white inflorescences, you will bloom yourself. You will be in a good mood, with a desire for new discoveries and actions. If all the strawberries in the garden are black, things are happening behind your back that you don't even know about. Your friends talk about you, your bosses speak unflatteringly about you. If you notice that people are slandering you, feel free to tell these people what you think about them.

What else can the dream book tell us about? color indicates that it is too early to implement your plans. It’s worth waiting a little more time, and then everything will be much easier and faster. If you cook, romance and love adventures await you. Expect surprises and unexpected behavior from your lover. Perhaps he will be able to win your heart even more and even propose marriage.

If you dream that you are growing strawberries right in your apartment, you will be able to surprise your friends and colleagues with your creativity and creative approach. They will finally be able to discern your potential and see your Strawberry dream still carries positive energy. If you dreamed of this beautiful juicy berry, expect changes for the better. You can also receive a large amount of money. Financially and personally, things will only get better. But if the berries are black, rotten and moldy, it’s time for you to focus your attention on yourself and your problems. It's time to get things in order. This also applies to health, which should be monitored in particular.

So, a wonderful strawberry can add adventure, romance and new tender feelings to your life. You will remember again that love is a wonderful feeling.

What happened in the dream, the action of which developed against the backdrop of strawberries in the garden? None of the dream books ignores the erotic subtext of the dream, but predictions about what the berry means in a dream are not limited to romantic relationships.

Miller's Dream Book about Love and Prosperity

Miller looks for a hint of prosperity in the symbol. The famous berry itself in a dream promises prosperity, recognition, and victory. Picking strawberries from the garden and eating them right away represents passionate, impatient love. The interpretation of harvesting for sale is different - the fortuneteller predicts prosperity and happiness.

Waiting for joy

Let's try to put together dream interpretations that relate to the emotional sphere. The overwhelming majority of plots foretell joy for the dreamer. Why do you dream, for example, of simply seeing red strawberries in the garden? Dream books suggest remembering which happy events will please you the most, because what you want will soon come true.

If you dreamed of being surprised at how much there is of it and how large it is, then expect good news. Large but unripe garden strawberries in a dream are a symbol of delay: it’s not that there’s nothing to please you with, you’ll just have to wait a little. But rotten or dried fruits prophesy distressing news: events will not take the turn you would like.

The Edge of Lust

Most of the erotic forecasts in dream books are an interpretation of what it means to feast on fruits. If you dreamed of eating them right away, where they were collected, the dream reveals a high intensity of love experiences. Enjoying a sweet berry with another character means that the attraction is mutual.

For a girl of marriageable age who in a dream enjoyed eating large red strawberries, interpreters predict a happy marriage. If there were a lot of strawberries in the garden, the young lady would fall in love.

Tearing up small and green food is a sign that there is no need to rush things; large and red food is a sign that it’s time to take action. If you dreamed of eating it, a person will experience love disappointments.

Rotten strawberries in the garden warn against being too gullible; if you tasted them in a dream, it means your feelings will be trampled. Dream books also remind you of the danger of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Alternative opinion

There are a number of dream books that find a bad omen in strawberry dreams. Their opinion is also worthy of attention. So, a cautious look at what dreams of strawberries in the garden mean:

  • Seeing growing bushes means tears.
  • There are fruits - to the news that you have been slandered.
  • Tearing them down means premature disappointment: hard work will not bring tangible results, although it is a matter of time.
  • Collecting in winter means liver disease.

Reward for work

Why dream of picking strawberries not for yourself? Seeing how you trade it in a dream is a symbol of the coming noble harvest. If you dreamed of giving generously, dream books promise strengthening your reputation; people around you will express gratitude in various forms.

Delicious juicy beauty strawberries delight us all summer. Both adults and children like it; it is used for making compotes and jam, filling pies and decorating desserts. Sometimes a berry can be seen in a dream, the interpretation of which depends on many details.

Why do you dream about big strawberries?

If the strawberry you dreamed about was large, then more happiness awaits you in a person’s life. Soon he will have the opportunity to experience unusual sensations that will bring the dreamer a lot of pleasure.

Dreams that a person is selling a big one foreshadow success in the financial field and prosperity. You can expect a significant amount of money to arrive soon. Perhaps a person is expecting a big win in the lottery or an unexpected bonus.

If the person did not sell, but rather bought large red berries, then the dream foreshadows good news. Very soon you will receive news from a person with whom you have not met for a long time.

Dreams in which a person sees long shopping aisles with large strawberries warn that a difficult situation will soon arise. The dreamer will face displeasure from close acquaintances due to the fact that he will have to entrust some of his responsibilities to his acquaintances.

Why do you dream about eating strawberries?

Dreams that a person is eating juicy and tasty strawberries warn of an imminent pleasant love adventure. If you eat strawberry jam, then a real passionate romance awaits you.

If while eating you experience real pleasure from strawberries, then in real life you will soon experience sexual pleasure. If the berries were ripe, sweet and juicy, then sexual pleasures will bring you only pleasure, and if the strawberries turned out to be spoiled or tasteless, then your partner will be cold towards you.

Eating an unripe strawberry in a dream foretells that in life your sexual partner will not be able to satisfy you. If you eat berries directly from the garden, then the pleasure will be complete and mutual.

Why do you dream about strawberries in the garden?

In which you saw spacious berry fields filled with strawberries, it promises that you will soon receive prosperity and great family happiness. If in a dream you try to destroy the strawberry beds and trample the berries, then in life you should stop and think about your life. Most likely, you do not see your own happiness, which is very close to you, and are captive of your own illusions. You need to take a closer look at the people in your immediate environment; perhaps you simply underestimate those who are close to you.

Why do you dream about large strawberries?

As is already clear, strawberries are associated with receiving earthly pleasures of a sexual nature. And here’s what various dream books say if you dreamed of large-sized strawberries:

  • Miller's dream book associates such a dream with new pleasant sensations and unexpected love adventures.
  • Vanga's dream book interprets such a dream as a symbol of future immeasurable happiness, which nothing can interfere with.

  • Sigmund Freud associates such a dream with sexual pleasures. At the same time, by the appearance of the berries one can judge whether this desire will be satisfied and whether it will bring pleasure.
  • Loff's dream book foreshadows married people with family happiness after a dream about large strawberries. If a person has not yet found his life partner, then such a meeting will definitely happen soon.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book foretells strong love for women. For men, such a dream can mean an increase in wages. If in a dream the berries were large, but rotten or covered with mold, then in reality you need to expect troubles, all kinds of troubles, or even death.
  • Hasse's dream book interprets dreams about large strawberries as foreshadowing small but pleasant events. This could be a pleasant acquaintance or an unexpected bonus.

Why do you dream about picking strawberries?

Dreams in which the dreamer picks strawberries together with a person of the same sex speak of complete mutual understanding and support between you in life. You can confidently make plans together.

If you are picking berries with a person of the opposite sex, but familiar to you, then in life you should take a closer look at him. Most likely, you have a lot in common, perhaps even some kind of mutual sympathy is visible, which may well develop into a real reverent feeling.

If the berry you are picking turns out to be rotten or dried out, then you should not expect anything good in life. You should refuse any money transactions and stop casual sex. For family people, such a dream can promise a quick divorce.

If you pick strawberries all alone, then in reality you will be tormented by memories of unsuccessful love. If you sold the harvested strawberries, then you will be in trouble, from which you can get out of it very successfully.

A dream in which picking berries is accompanied by elation warns of your excessive passion for the sweet life. You should stop, stop having fun and get on with more important things.