What does it mean to eat strawberries in a dream? Why do you dream about ripe red strawberries: interpretation of the dream according to various dream books. Why do you dream about strawberries - according to Hasse’s dream book

A dream in which you eat plenty of fresh strawberries, picking them straight from the beds, is a harbinger of sweet moments in the arms of a loved one.

Unripe strawberries or, conversely, overripe ones are a sign of dissatisfaction with your sexual partner.

Cooking strawberry jam in a dream foretells that you will have to deal with a person who is extremely unpleasant for you with his sweet antics and constant flirting.

Making strawberry compote is a warning not to get in the way of those who might crush you in passing and not even notice it.

Buying strawberries - shift some of your responsibilities onto the shoulders of others, which will cause sidelong glances from your colleagues.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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What does the dream Strawberry mean?

If you picked strawberries in a dream, you will achieve your intended goal in reality. Canning strawberries - such a dream promises rare success in society; you will achieve heights you never dreamed of.

Imagine not only eating strawberries, but also canning them. You have a whole cellar of strawberry jam.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does Strawberry mean in a dream?

Eating strawberries without restrictions - to a pleasant pastime with a young person of the opposite sex - to falling in love without mutual sympathy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Strawberry

Strawberry - Strawberry and strawberry in a dream. You will be destined to experience strawberry pleasures and certainly achieve your goal.

If you dreamed that you were eating strawberries, then you will be incredibly lucky with your lover. You will understand that you are simply made for each other.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Strawberry

Eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of sexual pleasure. Therefore, if the strawberries are sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to intimacy, anticipating a great time;

If, on the contrary, the strawberries are sour or overripe, then you will experience coldness from your partner, disharmony, and loss of all interest in intimate life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

Interpretation of the dream Strawberry

Ripe and large strawberries are a symbol of benefit in business or personal life.

Eating strawberries is a sign of sexual pleasure.

Sweet berries - to joy in intimate relationships, sour or overripe strawberries - to the coldness of the partner, loss of interest in sex.

Eating strawberry jam means meeting a hypocritical person.

Your chosen one will be by no means an ideal lover.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does Strawberry predict in a dream?

If you ate strawberries in a dream, you have a pleasant event ahead - an acquaintance.

If the strawberries were sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to meeting a new acquaintance.

If, on the contrary, the strawberries turn out to be sour or overripe, you will very quickly lose your interest in this person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does the dream Strawberry predict?

Eating it in a dream means good news and a pleasant time with a loved one. See interpretation: berries, greens.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream in which you see a juicy strawberry predicts a dizzying love relationship and a flood of feelings. Strawberry jam - for a passionate love affair.

According to the dream book, if in a dream you see rotten or dried strawberries, in reality you will be overcome by love fever, which will lead to disgusting consequences - abortion, divorce or venereal disease.

I dreamed that in a dream you eat strawberries with pleasure, in reality you will experience sexual pleasure. Therefore, if the berry is juicy and sweet, you will look forward to sexual intimacy, and if the berry is sour or spoiled, you will expect coldness from your partner.

In the gypsy dream book, a dream about strawberries means unexpected wealth in the house and success in business.

Eating a strawberry in a dream also means reciprocity in a love relationship; trading it means prosperity. A dream in which you grow strawberries means that in reality you quite often surprise others with the phenomenality of your views.

As the dream book interprets, strawberries are a harbinger of tempting prospects and pleasures, a sign that you will certainly achieve your goals.

An unripe berry is a symbol of dissatisfaction with your sexual partner; if you eat strawberries straight from the garden, it means that in reality you will enjoy it in the arms of your loved one.

A dream in which you cook strawberry compote means that in reality you will stand in the way of those who will bring you a lot of troubles and problems.

If you dreamed of a strawberry field, it means that in reality small pleasures will distract you from really important matters.

In Felomena's dream book, a dream about strawberries says that in reality you will have a pleasant time in the company of your loved one. If the berry in your dream turns out to be unripe, you will be disappointed in your lover.

A dream in which you make strawberry jam foreshadows contact with unpleasant people. Buying a strawberry in a dream means in reality placing your responsibilities on another person.

If in a dream you plant and care for berries, in reality you will be doing uninteresting and boring work.

Why else do you dream about strawberries?

Why do you dream of strawberries in certain months - January, February, March, April: eating a berry means that in reality your days fly by quickly, you do not notice time, the days are similar to one another.

May, June, July, August: if in a dream you pick or eat strawberries, in reality some kind of joy awaits you.

September, October, November, December: to see in a dream how the bushes are showered with strawberries means in reality a good harvest of these berries.

Why do you dream about strawberries? This berry in a dream is a good symbol that foretells beneficial changes in your life, romantic hobbies, new acquaintances and sexual experiments.

If in a dream you ate strawberries, in reality some fateful meeting awaits you; perhaps soon you will meet a person with whom you will begin a serious relationship built on the basis of trust in each other. It is possible that all this will result in a strong marriage in the future. A dream in which you are trying to feed someone strawberries promises in reality a fan who will idolize you and support you in everything.


How to solve a dream about strawberries?

Strawberries can safely be called the ideal berry.

Tasty, beautiful with a pleasant aroma, it is a favorite delicacy of people of all ages. And sometimes we see her in our dreams.

Why do you dream about strawberries? What do dreams about this fragrant berry mean?

If she grew up in a garden bed

If you had a dream in which you saw a ripe strawberry in a garden bed, then love adventures await you. And green berries indicate your sexual dissatisfaction.

A large red strawberry on a bush foretells your popularity with members of the opposite sex. And small but ripe fruits promise a fleeting romance.

  • Picking from the garden and eating it right away means a pleasant acquaintance.
  • One berry on a bush - to self-realization.
  • A strawberry under a leaf means recognition from a stranger.
  • Stepping on it means dangerous curiosity.
  • If you can’t bend down to pick it, you’ll have a fun trip.

A good mood and joy are what spoiled strawberries mean in dreams. Rotten berries in the dirt are a pleasant surprise. And one large one is a valuable gift.

Eating rotten strawberries in a dream means appreciating what you already have. And you dream of a whole bucket of spoiled fruits for a trip to another country.

Did you see her in the house?

A plate of ripe Victoria on the table foreshadows a significant event. And one red berry on a saucer speaks of your superiority in the professional field.

Eating a treat with sugar in a dream means dreaming of bright love. And adding berries to cream or mousse means hoping for attention from an influential person.

  • A harvest in the refrigerator means a long-awaited meeting.
  • Holding it in the palm of your hand means long, pleasant memories.
  • Green strawberries on the table - for a holiday in the house.
  • Eating strawberry pie means unforgettable events.
  • Cooking strawberry jam means chores around the house.

A dream where strawberries got into another food promises the achievement of your goals. If this was the first course, then you yourself will achieve what you want. And if it’s a side dish or meat, then caring people will definitely help you.

Dreaming of a strawberry cocktail symbolizes changes in the home. And strawberry jelly means getting rid of routine.

What does Miller's dream book say?

Why you dream about strawberries is also described in Miller’s dream book.

Large, strong fruits portend prosperity and well-being. And small ones mean a small but stable income.

Harvesting from a neighbor's garden means being the object of sympathy from a work colleague. And at your dacha, you dream of strawberry beds as a sign of mental stability.

Growing up on the balcony means using your talents to help a friend. And the bushes growing in the room will be evidence that you are ready to step onto a new stage in your life.

  • Eating sour strawberries means testing.
  • Berries of incredible size - a desire to change your style.
  • Smelling strawberries is a sign of a romantic meeting.
  • Buying strawberries means harshness in relationships.
  • Wash - to a strong feeling.

Miller's dream book contains several more interpretations of similar dreams.

For example, a dream where strawberries are very sweet speaks of your modesty. And beautiful, but tasteless berries warn that you should try to control your behavior in public.

A strawberry harvest in a basket means that you have secret sexual desires. And the berries on the floor foreshadow their implementation.

As this dream book promises, strawberries in the hands of a child will bring you good news. And if an elderly person is holding it, then a very important event will happen in your life soon.

Dreaming of strawberries on a chocolate cake means a wish will come true. And semolina porridge promises a beautiful confession from a loved one.

If you know what strawberries mean in dreams, you can easily predict your future. When you see this delicious berry in a dream, you won’t have to guess what it was for. It is enough to remember all the details of the dream and read in the dream book what they mean.


As the dream book interprets, dreams of strawberries are fortunate

How amazing our dreams can be! Every dream is rich in secrets and mysticism that can only be solved with the help of a dream book. In sleep, every cell of our brain and body rests and restores strength. During rest, the most amazing pictures and figures emerge in our memory, which carry hidden information. It is very important to pay attention in time to what you see in a dream in order to correctly interpret and understand it.

What else will the dream book tell you about: strawberries. Collecting such a beauty means reaping the fruits of your labors. You put in the effort, now you can enjoy the results of your work. However, if the strawberries are in a transparent bowl, people may envy you. Envy, as a rule, does not lead to anything good, so beware of envious people.

As the dream book interprets, eating strawberries means good news. A sweet taste speaks of a new acquaintance. Sour Strawberry warns: your relationship may be destroyed due to evil tongues. Don't listen to anyone, be yourself. The bitter taste of the berries means bad news. People close to you, friends or even relatives may upset you. Perhaps your plans will collapse.

As the dream book interprets, strawberries in the garden beds indicate a good harvest. The word “harvest” can be understood both literally and figuratively. Your wishes will finally come true, your dreams will come true. If the strawberries in the beds bloom with white inflorescences, you will bloom yourself. You will be in a good mood, with a desire for new discoveries and actions. If all the strawberries in the garden are black, things are happening behind your back that you don't even know about. Your friends talk about you, your bosses speak unflatteringly about you. If you notice that people are slandering you, feel free to tell these people what you think about them.

What else can the dream book tell us about? Green strawberries indicate that it is too early to implement your plans. It’s worth waiting a little more time, and then everything will be much easier and faster. If you make jam from strawberries, romance and love adventures await you. Expect surprises and unexpected behavior from your lover. Perhaps he will be able to win your heart even more and even propose marriage.

If you dream that you are growing strawberries right in your apartment, you will be able to surprise your friends and colleagues with your creativity and creative approach. They will finally be able to see your potential and see your sense of humor. A strawberry dream still carries positive energy. If you dreamed of this beautiful juicy berry, expect changes for the better. You can also receive a large amount of money. Financially and personally, things will only get better. But if the berries are black, rotten and moldy, it’s time for you to focus your attention on yourself and your problems. It's time to get things in order. This also applies to health, which should be monitored in particular.

So, a wonderful strawberry can add adventure, romance and new tender feelings to your life. You will remember again that love is a wonderful feeling.


Dream Interpretation Strawberry, why do you dream about seeing Strawberries in a dream?

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about Strawberries according to the dream book:

Seeing Strawberries in a dream – See below for heightened eroticism symbols.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Strawberries according to the dream book:

Strawberry -

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Strawberries according to the dream book:

Strawberries - Picking and eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of joy.

Children's dream book What does Strawberry mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of Strawberry - You will have fun with friends at a disco.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Strawberries according to the dream book:

Strawberries - Eating strawberries means quickly passing days.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Strawberry – Sexual adventure.

Culinary dream book If you dream about Strawberries in a dream:

Strawberries - Eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of sexual pleasure. Therefore, if the strawberries are sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to intimacy, anticipating a great time; if, on the contrary, the strawberries are sour or overripe, then you will experience coldness from your partner, disharmony, and loss of all interest in intimate life.

Love dream book

Strawberry - Strawberry and strawberry in a dream. You will be destined to experience strawberry pleasures and certainly achieve your goal. If you dreamed that you were eating strawberries, then you will be incredibly lucky with your lover. You will understand that you are simply made for each other.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Strawberry:

Strawberry - Juicy, wonderful love relationships, fullness of feelings. Strawberry jam is an exciting love adventure with all the attributes of passion. Rotten, dry unpleasant consequences of love fever: venereal disease, divorce, abortion.


Dream interpretation of picking strawberries

Why do you dream about picking Strawberries in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream where you happened to pick strawberries predicts unexpected and pleasant turns in your destiny. Remember that good deeds change our world for the better.

Picking berries from the garden and eating them right away is a reflection of your hopes and unspoken desires. To prevent anxiety and disharmony from settling in your home, quickly share your dreams and aspirations with your partner.

Picking rotten or unripe strawberries is evidence of stress and unfulfilled desires. Reciprocity and trust in your relationship have been replaced by reproaches and suspicions. This path leads to a break; you need to spend a weekend or vacation alone to glue what is thin.


Strawberry bed

Dream Interpretation Garden bed with strawberries dreamed of why you dream about a bed with strawberries? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bed of strawberries in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Seeing a lot of strawberries on the bushes in a dream means a strawberry harvest.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry


in a dream I saw a lot of big strawberries... why is this??



strawberry? - love-carrots and all that, in any case achieving goals.

olga ivan

In general, a berry in a dream means tears, troubles

Isabella Marie

Strawberries - such a dream promises tempting prospects and pleasures.

Eating strawberries means mutual love and the absence of misunderstandings between lovers.

Trading strawberries means a bountiful harvest and prosperity.
Children's dream book

Strawberry - you will have fun with friends at the disco.
Idiomatic dream book

“Strawberry” is a symbol of eroticism.
Culinary dream book

Eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of sexual pleasure.

Therefore, if the strawberries are sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to intimacy, anticipating a wonderful time; if, on the contrary, the strawberries are sour or overripe, then you will experience coldness from your partner, disharmony, and loss of all interest in intimate life.
Love dream book

Strawberries in a dream - you will be destined to experience strawberry pleasures and certainly achieve your goal.

If you dreamed that you were eating strawberries, then you will be incredibly lucky with your lover. You will understand that you are simply made for each other.
Modern dream book

A dream in which you eat fresh strawberries, picking them straight from the beds, foreshadows sweet moments in the arms of a loved one.

Unripe or overripe strawberries are a sign of dissatisfaction with your sexual partner.

Cooking strawberry jam in a dream means that you will have to deal with a person who is extremely unpleasant for you.

Cooking compote with strawberries is a warning; do not get in the way of those who can crush you and not even notice it.

Buying strawberries means shifting your responsibilities onto the shoulders of others and causing sidelong glances from your colleagues.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Picking, planting or eating strawberries is a surprise.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing strawberries in a dream is a sign of a pleasant, but useless pastime and fleeting pleasures.

If you saw a strawberry field, this may mean that small joys and pleasures threaten to pull you into their sweet nets, distracting you from important concerns.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a lot of strawberries on the bushes in a dream means a strawberry harvest.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Picking and eating strawberries in a dream means joy.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Eating strawberries means quickly passing days.
Dream Book of the Wanderer

Strawberry - a sexual adventure.
Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Picking strawberries means illness.

Eating strawberries means toothache.

Planting, watering or fertilizing strawberry bushes means boring, monotonous work that will not bring any profit.

In a dream, you watched someone plant, water or fertilize strawberry bushes - one of your loved ones will face boring, monotonous work that will not bring any profit.
Gypsy dream book

Esoteric dream book

Juicy strawberries - wonderful love relationships, fullness of feelings.

Strawberry jam is an exciting love adventure with all the attributes of passion.

Rotten, dry - unpleasant consequences of love fever: venereal disease, divorce, abortion.


Unfortunately, strawberries bring tears to your dreams! If this is not the case, please let me know!

Savlep Savlepych

Strawberry garden beds

Dream Interpretation Garden beds strawberries dreamed of why in a dream there are strawberry garden beds? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see strawberries in a vegetable garden in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Strawberry - Strawberry and strawberry in a dream. You will be destined to experience strawberry pleasures and certainly achieve your goal. If you dreamed that you were eating strawberries, then you will be incredibly lucky with your lover. You will understand that you are simply made for each other.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

A dream in which you eat plenty of fresh strawberries, picking them straight from the beds, is a harbinger of sweet moments in the arms of a loved one. Unripe strawberries or, conversely, overripe ones are a sign of dissatisfaction with your sexual partner.

Cooking strawberry jam in a dream foretells that you will have to deal with a person who is extremely unpleasant for you with his sweet antics and constant flirting. Making strawberry compote is a warning not to get in the way of those who might crush you in passing and not even notice it.

Buying strawberries - shift some of your responsibilities onto the shoulders of others, which will cause sidelong glances from your colleagues.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Ripe and large strawberries are a symbol of benefit in business or personal life.

Eating strawberries is a sign of sexual pleasure.

Sweet berries - to joy in intimate relationships, sour or overripe strawberries - to the coldness of the partner, loss of interest in sex.

Eating strawberry jam means meeting a hypocritical person.

Your chosen one will be by no means an ideal lover.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of sexual pleasure. Therefore, if the strawberries are sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to intimacy, anticipating a great time; if, on the contrary, the strawberries are sour or overripe, then you will experience coldness from your partner, disharmony, and loss of all interest in intimate life.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

If you picked strawberries in a dream, you will achieve your intended goal in reality. Canning strawberries - such a dream promises rare success in society; you will achieve heights you never dreamed of.

Imagine not only eating strawberries, but also canning them. You have a whole cellar of strawberry jam.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

If you ate strawberries in a dream, you have a pleasant event ahead - an acquaintance.

If the strawberries were sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to meeting a new acquaintance.

If, on the contrary, the strawberries turn out to be sour or overripe, you will very quickly lose your interest in this person.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Strawberry - Juicy - wonderful love relationships, fullness of feelings. Strawberry jam is an exciting love adventure with all the attributes of passion. Rotten, dry - unpleasant consequences of love fever: venereal disease, divorce, abortion.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Seeing a lot of strawberries on the bushes in a dream means a strawberry harvest.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

Seeing a garden bed in a dream means that soon you will have a reason to remember a person who has passed away whom you knew well. Digging beds in a vegetable garden in a dream foretells good prospects in business. Weeding the beds means going, figuratively speaking, from rags to riches. Seeing beds with vegetables growing on them in a dream means prosperity and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Planting, picking, eating strawberries is a surprise.

Probably a pleasant surprise, because your strawberries turned out beautiful and sweet.


Strawberries in the garden

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Strawberries - you will have fun with friends at the disco.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Eating strawberries means quickly passing days.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Picking and eating strawberries in a dream means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Seeing strawberries in a dream: a sign of a pleasant, but useless pastime and fleeting pleasures.

If you saw a strawberry field: this may mean that small joys and pleasures threaten to pull you into their sweet nets, distracting you from important concerns.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Eating strawberries without restrictions - to a pleasant pastime with a young person of the opposite sex - to falling in love without mutual sympathy.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

A harbinger of success.

Strawberries are an unexpected wealth both at home and in business.

Dream Interpretation - Beds

Dream Interpretation - Beds

Garden beds are a lot of work and little benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Beds

Seeing beds in the garden is a harbinger of hard and thankless work. If they are destroyed, then expect serious problems and financial difficulties. See interpretation: vegetable garden, vegetables, land.

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry

Eating it in a dream means good news and a pleasant time with a loved one. See interpretation: berries, greens.

Judging by the fact that most people have pleasant associations with strawberries with childhood, summer and sweet jam, dreams about them must mean something pleasant. Although... A berry dream is unlikely to please a notorious allergy sufferer, and a keen summer resident who has been standing over strawberry beds all summer will be reminded of his lower back breaking from fatigue. However, why wonder why you dream about a red-sided berry? Let's turn to the professionals!

Interpretation of sweet dreams about strawberries

Most often, red berries are associated with a series of large or small victories ahead of the dreamer.

  • Vanga's dream book. A person who dreams of strawberries moves straight towards his happiness. And no one can stand in his way.
  • Dream Interpretation of Hasse. A whole string of small, but very good events awaits ahead.
  • Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. You are about to spend a pleasant but useless day. It’s also not bad, you have to relax sometime!
  • Dream book of a gypsy. Dreams about strawberries predict unexpected wealth for your home or success for your business.
  • Eastern women's dream book. Tempting prospects will soon open up before you.
  • Dream book of lovers. Whatever your thoughts are now, you will achieve your intended goal.

Oh, how often strawberries are associated with tender feelings

And if, by chance, you are unlucky in business, it means that fate has already prepared a tempting “strawberry” for you in the form of a new novel, or at least a pleasant pastime with close friends.

  • Children's dream book. There is a meeting with friends at the club.
  • Dream book of Felomena. You will have the opportunity to have fun in a big company with your loved one (or beloved).
  • Miller's Dream Book. Meeting a tasty berry in a dream foreshadows a sweet love story in reality.
  • Freud's Dream Book. Strawberries represent sexual pleasure, passion and a sense of satisfaction. Hurry up and prepare your fragrant berries and cream! Looks like you and your loved one will figure out how to use them.
  • Dream Book of the Wanderer. Dreaming of berries predicts an exciting love adventure.
  • Esoteric dream book. New romantic relationships will begin that will bring you only joy. No sourness, no regrets!

Blooming strawberry bushes represent the blossoming of relationships. Perhaps the matter will not go beyond light flirting, and maybe it will result in something interesting in the future. Find out over time.

Who is dreaming: a girl or a man?

Which one did you dream about: red, green, large, rotten?

A dream about ripe, juicy, bright red berries signals:

  • for married couples - that their love boat is in perfect order and is moving on the right course. Most likely, your relationship has enough love, passion, and warmth. Keep your sails low, you are made for each other;
  • for bachelors and unmarried people - about the opportunity to start a family. If you're already dating someone, but haven't decided to take the relationship to the next level, here's a good reason to do it. The marriage may turn out to be extremely successful;
  • lonely dreamers are promised the most tremendous changes. You have a chance not only to start a new romance, receiving a lot of positive emotions from it, but also to meet the main love of your life.

Single or married, the berry will give everyone a chance for happiness

It is believed that the larger the berries in the dream, the more weight future events will have. A small strawberry predicts minor changes and sweet but easy flirting. Did you dream about incredibly large, giant berries? A wave of stunning feeling will overwhelm you, but will not drown you, but will lift you to seventh heaven and even higher.

Those whose berries in the dream had a clear flaw were less fortunate.

  1. Seeing green strawberries is advice not to rush into fulfilling your plans. Either you lack knowledge or preparation, or the time has not yet come to implement bold plans. In a word, be patient and move forward, carefully checking every step.
  2. If the berries don’t taste good - sour, unripe, rotten - think about your personal life. What don't you like about it? Coldness and lack of sincerity in your relationship with your current partner? Or maybe you've been alone for too long? Be that as it may, it’s time to pause your career and put things in order in the sphere of feelings. You need it.
  3. Frankly spoiled, dry strawberries are considered a symbol of a “dried up” feeling and a harbinger of betrayal or quarrels, even to the point of breaking up the relationship.
  4. Wormy predicts numerous misunderstandings based on jealousy. A worm of doubt has settled in one of the partners, which undermines the trust in the couple.
  5. Rotten berries with traces of mold represent sexually transmitted diseases, misfortune and even a threat to life.

The meaning of actions with berries: the opinion of dream books

If in a dream you looked at a plate with a delicious pile of ripe berries, you can rejoice - this is a symbol of joyful changes in your personal life. And one, but beautiful and large strawberry marks a career, slowly but surely moving uphill. Interpreters attach the same meaning to dreams about berries lying in the dreamer’s palm.

Sweet dreams will bring good luck

Strawberries in the refrigerator predict a meeting with a person with whom the relationship has been “frozen” for some time. Whatever the reason, there will be a chance to renew communication, which you will be glad about.

And the one who wandered through the berry field in a dream:

  • or he will soon learn something pleasant about himself;
  • or will gain family well-being and prosperity;
  • or small joys and pleasures will draw him into their sweet nets, distracting him from important concerns. Don't give in!

Here is a basket of berries, alas, an offensive sign. It is considered the embodiment of unsatisfied desires that your memory diligently accumulates. To prevent the blues from taking over you, make a list of what interests you and try to bring at least a small part of it to life. Moreover, do this if in a dream the basket overturned and its sweet contents rolled across the floor. This is considered a sure sign that you will be able to realize your desires, including erotic ones.

For keen gardeners born between September and December, sleep may be at hand. The strawberry harvest on your plot promises to exceed all expectations!

In what form does a berry appear in our dreams?

If in a dream you happened to...


You will have a pleasant time in the company of a nice person of the opposite sex... But only if you celebrate your birthday on the right day. It’s a shame, but the dream books of those born from January to April claim that your joy will be as fleeting as warm summer days. And some even scare you with an attack of toothache!

Sell ​​or buy berries

According to Vanga’s dream book, a person who sold strawberries in a dream so generously shares his spiritual warmth with those around him that he will definitely receive a reward from the Universe for this. But anyone who decides to buy sweet berries should rethink their behavior. It seems that you too often try to subtly shift your responsibilities to others and use others for your own purposes. If you don’t improve, you will get into conflict with your colleagues, and deservedly so.

But for some reason, stealing berries in a dream is not punishable. On the contrary, you are about to experience a delightful love adventure.

Planting or weeding bushes

A person who planted and cared for strawberries in a dream is distinguished by his original beliefs, which does not always meet with understanding even among his loved ones. Don't be upset, your soul mate is wandering somewhere nearby!

Your efforts will be rewarded with a generous harvest

At the same time, the work itself in the garden beds symbolizes the painstaking and monotonous work that you will have to do without any hope of decent payment. But every cloud has a silver lining. If in a dream you worked thoroughly with a hoe, freeing the bushes from the grass, there is a chance that in reality you will finally be able to put your life in order, separating the weeds from the truly valuable things. If fresh berries grow among the leaves right before your eyes, prosperity and family happiness will come to your home.


Ripe strawberries predict mutual love, green and small ones predict an unrequited feeling. If at the same time the berries grew on the trees above your head, teasing, but not falling into your hands, do not expect success: now is not the most successful period in your life. But those who easily plucked fragrant fruits from the branches will be able to fulfill their secret desires without making any serious efforts.

Treat and treat

A dream in which you fed your partner ripe berries or received a treat from him speaks of a harmonious relationship. But if at night you gave your chosen one a green and sour berry, analyze your feelings for him. Perhaps you suspect your betrothed of infidelity or are afraid that his love for you is false and covers up a mercantile interest?

  • Offering strawberries to a stranger means acquiring a new fan, loyal and affectionate.
  • If in a dream an elderly person hands you a berry, expect positive changes.
  • And if it was a child, good news will come.


Destroying strawberries means destroying your happiness with your own hands and pushing away people who are sincerely disposed towards you.

What does it mean to see strawberry dishes in a dream?

Dreams about berry treats also have their own interpretations:

Without exaggeration, strawberries can be called one of the most successful symbols in the dream book. It has a minimum of negative interpretations! And the bad ones, by and large, can be turned to your advantage. If the rotten or wormy berry in your dream was really “thrown” into your mind by your subconscious, and not by a random coincidence of circumstances, think about it - what is going wrong in your life? By heeding the warning of your intuition in time, you can avoid many troubles.

One of the most delicious and juicy berries is the well-known strawberry. What if we saw this berry in a dream? What could such a dream symbolize? To decipher such a dream, we suggest resorting to the help of the most famous and complete dream books of our time.

Large Universal Dream Book: strawberries

If you dream that you are eating strawberries, then a very interesting acquaintance awaits you ahead. If the berry was tasty and ripe, then you will really like your new acquaintance, and you will look forward to meeting him again every day. If the strawberries turn out to be sour and overripe, then your interest in this person will very soon disappear, and you will try with all your might to avoid communicating with him.

The most complete dream book: strawberries

If you dream that you are eating strawberries with pleasure, picking them straight from the garden, then in real life you will soon experience moments of pleasure spent in the arms of your lover. An overripe or underripe berry symbolizes dissatisfaction with your sexual relationship with your partner. If in a dream you make strawberry jam, then you will have to communicate with a person who is unpleasant to you with his sweet speeches, antics and attempts at flirting. If you are making strawberry compote, then be careful and do not inadvertently cross the path of an influential person who can ruin your life without much effort. Buying strawberries symbolizes that you will be able to shift some of your work to other people, but your colleagues will look at you askance.

Eastern dream book: strawberry

This berry in a dream promises various pleasures and very tempting prospects. If you dream that you are eating strawberries, then your love will be mutual, and there will never be any misunderstanding between you and your partner. If you sell strawberries, then prosperity and a bountiful harvest await you.

Esoteric dream book: strawberry

Juicy strawberries in a dream promise harmonious love relationships in real life. Strawberry jam predicts a very exciting love adventure, full of passion and sensuality. A rotten and spoiled berry foreshadows possible unpleasant consequences of violent passion: divorce, sexually transmitted diseases, or even abortion.

Love dream book: eating strawberries

Such a dream symbolizes great luck in choosing a partner. A wonderful, harmonious relationship awaits you, and both of you will be sure that you are simply made for each other.

Newest dream book: strawberry

Picking this berry in a dream in a strawberry field means a situation in which you will find yourself in a network of small pleasures and joys that will distract you from truly important matters and concerns. In general, strawberries symbolize pleasant, but very fleeting joys and pleasures, as well as wasted time. If you dream that you are eating berries and can’t stop, then you will have a very pleasant time with your partner: you will experience not only sexual satisfaction, but also real spiritual harmony, and as a result, your relationship can develop into a real big one. and strong love.

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, but the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

Miller's free dream book online - your guide from the world of mysterious dreams to the realities of the present

Do you want to combine scattered, intricate dream images into a colorful mosaic of reality? Take a look at the famous dream book of Gustavus Miller! Discover the amazing research of a great psychologist!

Are the unlimited possibilities of a person in a dream a reality?

It is believed that a person lives in two worlds at the same time. He lives one life in his waking moments, and the second, more interesting and giving him unlimited possibilities, in his dreams. How are they different?

Why do you dream about Strawberry?

Strawberries in a modern dream book

If you had a vision in which you were picking strawberries with displeasure, being very tired and not eating a single berry, then most likely you are used to living in the past. You often remember your youthful love or an unsuccessful romance. We picked strawberries with pleasure and ate the berries with pleasure - this is an extremely favorable dream that predicts a bright and positive relationship. It is possible that you will meet the love of your life. If you looked with lust at the delicious strawberry jam - in the very near future you will enter into a marriage that will bring you real happiness. A cake with strawberries foreshadows some joyful event, a drink made from strawberries - a declaration of love or a love note. In your dream, fresh and ripe strawberries stood on the table in a beautiful vase - to a sexual adventure or unexpected joy. But if you dreamed about throwing away berries or categorically refusing to eat them, this indicates that you are deliberately depriving yourself of the joys of life. Moreover, you fiercely resist your happiness. They picked ripe strawberries - to joy, planted - to good news, sold - to monetary profit, bought - to the fair condemnation of others. Berries in a dream were sweet - in reality you will enjoy quality sex; if they were sour or tasteless - it means cooling in a relationship. If you felt disappointed when you saw how the birds devoured the entire strawberry harvest - get ready for grief and tears. Strawberries have been stolen from the garden beds - ill-wishers are preparing to deal a crushing blow, do not let them take you by surprise. Unripe berries dream of unjustified jealousy, discord and quarrels. Rotten and spoiled ones promise a sexually transmitted disease, an unplanned pregnancy or divorce. After such a dream, try not to have love affairs on the side, behave decorously and prudently, then troubles will be avoided.

Strawberries in Miller's dream book

If you saw juicy and ripe strawberries in a dream, this is a good omen that prophesies new love and pleasant emotions. Strawberry jam predicts an exciting love affair in the very near future. The dry berry warns: keep your feelings in check, otherwise your excessive ardor may scare away your partner.

Strawberries in Vanga's dream book

Dreams in which strawberries appear foreshadow wonderful life prospects and tempting pleasures. You will definitely achieve your desired goal, and without much effort. Eating strawberries - to harmony in the family, trading berries - to prosperity, growing - it seems that you have very non-trivial views on life.

Strawberries in Freud's dream book

Strawberries symbolize sensual pleasures. A sweet and ripe berry predicts that every day you will burn in the fire of passion, anticipating intimacy with your loved one. But rotten or overripe strawberries predict indifference to sexual pleasures and the coldness of a partner. In a dream you ate a lot of strawberries - in reality you will have a pleasant time in bed. You were picking berries - alas, but the object of your passion will not reciprocate.

We ourselves are created from dreams, and dreams surround this little life of ours...