What are the benefits and harms of Brussels sprouts? Beneficial properties of Brussels sprouts for humans Brussels sprouts benefits and contraindications

Brussels sprouts are a vegetable crop of the cabbage variety. It was bred by Belgian breeders based on ordinary kale. The miniature size and cute appearance of the heads, combined with a bright and eye-catching color, have made this variety popular both in everyday food and on the holiday table.

Calories and nutritional value

100 g of raw Brussels sprouts contains:

  • carbohydrates - 8.0 g;
  • proteins - 4.8 g;
  • sugars - 2.2 g;
  • fat - 0.3 g;
  • fatty acids - 0.1 g;
  • calorie content - 43 kcal.
By the way, the calorie content of 100 g of baked vegetable is 156 kcal.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks believed that cabbage was good for relieving alcohol intoxication. Therefore, this vegetable was considered a symbol of sobriety. But in Japan, cabbage is still not only eaten, but also planted as an ornamental plant.

Vitamin and mineral composition

100 g of raw Brussels sprouts contains:

  • - 104.4–207.7 mg;
  • carotene - 0.1–0.5 mg;
  • - 0.13 mg;
  • - 0.15 mg;
  • - 0.28 mg;
  • - 31 mg;
  • - 0.70 mg;
  • salts - 7 mg;
  • salts - 500 mg;
  • salts - 40 mg;
  • salts - 40 mg;
  • salts - 110 mg;
  • salt - 1.3 mg.

In addition, it contains a set of enzymes, free amino acids and. The rich vitamin and mineral complex of this cabbage makes it valuable for the human diet, as well as an important natural remedy.

What is good for the body

Brussels sprouts have the following beneficial properties for the human body:

  • amino acids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the content of “harmful”;
  • , lutein and zeaxanthin promote and slow down degenerative processes in the retina;
  • beta-carotene is a strong antioxidant and also strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of viral infections and lung problems;
  • protects brain neurons from damage, which has a positive effect on the general state of brain activity and is a prevention against Alzheimer’s disease;
  • with constant consumption of cabbage, the isothiocyanates contained in it will help protect the body from carcinogens;
  • high content normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • organic compounds of amino acids and glucose - glucosinolates - have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
In addition, fresh juice helps heal wounds and restore the functioning of the pancreas, which is extremely important for diabetes.

Important! When choosing Brussels sprouts, pay attention to the freshness of the top leaves and the absence of signs of rotting or dark spots on the stem and on the heads themselves. A yellow tint indicates a deterioration in the quality of the vegetable.


Brussels sprouts are extremely valuable for men's health. Unfortunately, poor environment, frequent stress and bad habits weaken male strength and reduce sperm quality. In this case, this healthy vegetable will come to the rescue. It is a good prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, and also improves sperm activity and the ability to conceive.


All the general valuable properties of cabbage are applicable to the female body, but it also has its own characteristics. For example, the indole-3-carbinol it contains can prevent breast cancer cells from replicating. Cabbage improves the condition of the skin, and this is especially important for women.

In addition, regular consumption of this vegetable improves blood circulation in the female genital organs and improves the health of the body as a whole. And the low calorie content and abundance of fiber also help.


This type of cabbage is very healthy for all ages, so it should be included in the diet of children. However, not earlier than a year and a half and gradually, like any other product. The vegetable is rich in calcium, which is extremely necessary for a growing child’s body, especially for its bones. And the extensive composition of vitamins and minerals will have a positive effect on the development of the whole organism.

It is also invaluable that the substances contained in the vegetable increase the body’s defenses and help to quickly cope with infections and viruses.

What can be done and what can be combined with

For food, heads of cabbage with high nutritional qualities are used, which are formed in the axils of the leaves from the lateral modified buds. They have a sweetish and slightly nutty taste and are highly prized by gourmets around the world. They are eaten raw, boiled, fried, stewed or steamed.

Brussels sprouts are considered an almost universal product and are good in many dishes: soups, salads, stews, omelettes, casseroles. It goes well with other vegetables and is often used in frozen vegetable platters and pickled sets. Whole heads of cabbage look attractive on a plate and are perfect as a side dish for any meat, poultry or fish. Moreover, they can act as independent side dishes or in combination with other products.

Did you know? The well-known sauerkraut was first invented in China. To give it a specific taste, it was soaked in wine. This simple dish was fed to the slaves building the Great Wall of China.

Is it possible to eat on a diet

Due to its low calorie content and rich vitamin complex, Brussels sprouts are used as a dietary product. In addition, due to its high fiber content, it helps remove toxins from the body and establish proper intestinal function. And its high protein content improves the quality of this product.

Fiber also helps improve digestive processes and quickly saturates the body, which is a definite plus for those losing weight. The vegetable is best consumed raw, boiled or baked and not get carried away with various dressings and oils. However, if you are prone to flatulence, it is better to reduce the quantity and frequency of consumption of cabbage heads. In any case, it is better to focus on how you feel.

For those on a diet for a long time, it is especially important that the vegetable will not only enrich the usual diet with valuable nutrients, but will also help diversify it.

Is it possible for pregnant and nursing mothers

Brussels sprouts are good for pregnant women to eat because their high content of folic acid (vitamin B9) reduces the risk of birth defects in the baby, such as cleft palate or spina bifida. The intake of folic acid into the body of the expectant mother is especially important in the first two months of pregnancy, when all internal organs are formed, including the neural tube of the fetus - the future spine.

It will also help replenish calcium deficiency and get rid of diarrhea, which is a common problem for pregnant women. And the low calorie content of the product will contribute to weight control.

With normal tolerance, this vegetable will also be useful. It contains substances that increase the body's defenses and also reduce the risk of bleeding during the postpartum period. Therefore, it is worth including it in your diet at least once a week. However, it should be introduced gradually, monitoring the child’s condition so as not to provoke colic.

Important! It is good to store grown or purchased Brussels sprouts in the vegetable section of the refrigerator and cut off the heads from the stem as needed. If signs of rotting appear, damaged areas should be removed and the heads should be frozen.

Contraindications and harm

Brussels sprouts can cause bloating, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's syndrome. Increased gas formation is caused by fructose residues - fructans.

In case of individual intolerance, the vegetable, especially when cooked in a stew, can cause an increase in acidity and.

People with thyroid dysfunction should also be careful. Like other cruciferous vegetables, this vegetable can lead to the development of hypothyroidism, which is facilitated by goitrogens, which suppress the production of thyroid hormones. But some nutritionists believe that the effect of goitrogens can be neutralized by thermally treating the heads of cabbage. However, it also contains indoles, which interfere with the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland.

Like any other product, Brussels sprouts must be consumed wisely, and then they will undoubtedly bring great benefits to your body and delight you with new delicious tastes. Try to stay in moderation, eat a varied diet and include these delicious cabbages in your diet at least once a week.

Brussels sprouts are widely cultivated in Europe and the USA, but in Russia they are quite rare. Mostly this vegetable is grown in the central part of our vast country. This crop looks like a long stem dotted with small cabbage heads. Those who are attentive to their health will be interested to learn about Brussels sprouts and, in particular, what benefits and harm their consumption can bring to the body.

Brussels sprouts are very small in size - they are hardly larger than a regular walnut. There can be up to 50-70 of them on each stem. They are the ones that are eaten.

The calorie content of Brussels sprouts is low and is about 43 kcal/100 g in a fresh product and no more than 36 kcal in a frozen product. That is why it is considered a dietary product and is used in the preparation of special diets aimed at weight loss. However, Brussels sprouts are high in vitamins and nutrients, which is why their nutritional value is significant. It contains a large amount of protein (up to 4.8-5 g), which is characterized by a rich set of amino acids and is not much inferior in characteristics to animal proteins. In addition, there is 2 times more of it in Brussels sprouts than in other varieties of similar crops.

There is little fat content - only 0.3 g per 100 g (the same amount as in cauliflower). The amount of carbohydrates is about 3.1 g - they are 2 times less than in the usual white cabbage. It also contains up to 0.4 g of starch, about 1.3 g of ash, and 4.2 g of dietary fiber. The majority of the mass is occupied by water - about 86 g per 100 g. The composition also contains disaccharides and monosaccharides in the amount of 2.7 g, organic (up to 0.3 g) and unsaturated fatty (up to 0.1 g) acids.

Of particular value is the set of vitamins and minerals contained in the fruits of this crop. Vitamin composition of Brussels sprouts per 100 g:

  • A – 50 mcg;
  • B 1 – 0.1 mg;
  • C – 100 mg;
  • B 2 – 0.2 mg;
  • B 6 – 0.28 mg;
  • E – 1 mg;
  • At 9 – 31 mcg;
  • B 5 – 0.4 mg;
  • RR – 1.5 mg.

As for microelements, Brussels sprouts are not deprived of them either. For example, it contains 375 mg/100 g of potassium, 78 mg of phosphorus, 40 mg of magnesium, and 34 mg of calcium. It is rich in sodium and iron (7 and 1.3 mg/100 g, respectively).

Unfortunately, Brussels sprouts cannot boast of good taste - they are slightly bitter, and even smell a bit harsh, which is why people don’t like them. It is consumed mainly by those people who know about its benefits for the body. However, most of the shortcomings can be eliminated by properly preparing the vegetable.

Beneficial properties for the body

The benefits of Brussels sprouts for the human body are indeed very great. It is recommended to use it regularly for the following purposes:

  • improves the functioning of the visual organs, since cabbage contains lutein;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • reducing the risk of breast cancer by 70% due to the content of isothiocyanates in the vegetable;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases (beta-carotene acts as an assistant, which reduces the risk of developing asthma and ARVI);
  • preventing constipation and improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improving the functioning of the immune system;
  • weight loss;
  • prevention of diseases of the hematopoietic system.

The popularity of the culture has increased significantly since the time scientists announced that the product helps remove substances that provoke the development of cancer from the body, and its juice ensures a speedy recovery from serious illnesses.

This cabbage is also good for the prevention of vitamin deficiencies; it is included in the menu of diabetics and overweight people. It also helps with a number of diseases of the genitourinary system, providing a diuretic effect. Accelerates the healing process of wounds and is recommended for those who have undergone surgery.


As for the body of children, here too the beneficial properties of Brussels sprouts manifest themselves to the fullest. Due to the calcium content it contains, it helps strengthen bone tissue. That is why cabbage must be included in the child’s menu.

The product is recommended for use by children aged 6 months and older. But even older people are advised to include it on the menu with caution. You need to start giving it little by little, with a teaspoon in the morning, and watch the body’s reaction to this product.


It is also recommended for women to include Brussels sprouts in their diet. The beneficial properties of the product are due to the significant amount of folic acid in it, which is so necessary for the female body. Diindolylmethane contained in the product stimulates the production of female hormones estrogen, and indole-3-carbinol helps inhibit the development of cells that lead to breast cancer.


Brussels sprouts also bring a lot of benefits to men. It increases sperm activity and quantity. The product is recommended to be included in the menu of men aiming to soon become fathers. Cabbage can increase sexual activity in both sexes.

Benefits of Brussels sprouts during pregnancy

Since Brussels sprouts are an important source of folic acid, it is important for expectant mothers to consume them. The substance is required for the harmonious development of the baby’s nervous system; it reduces the risk of pathologies and developmental defects in children. The product will also help replenish the lack of vitamin C and calcium in the body of the expectant mother, help cope with constipation and control weight gain.

You can start eating Brussels sprouts from the early stages of pregnancy. But nursing women should eat this product with caution and only when the baby is at least 2 months old. Otherwise, colic may occur.

Application in dietetics and weight loss

The role of Brussels sprouts is also great for weight loss. It is often one of the components of the menu for people watching weight. There are no norms for its use as such unless there are contraindications. The minimum dose per day is 300 g. But in general, since the product is low in calories, there is no need to monitor the amount of Brussels sprouts in your diet.

It can be eaten in any form - stewed, boiled, baked. It makes good side dishes and salads. It brings the maximum amount of benefit to the body when it is fresh or its juice, so it is better to eat Brussels sprouts raw.

Harm and contraindications for use

Unfortunately, uncontrolled use of the product is impossible due to a number of contraindications. Brussels sprouts are harmful to health in certain cases: for example, people with pathologies of the digestive system should eat them with caution. It is enough that it contains a large amount of fiber and can cause loose stools and bloating. In this case, it is better to use it only after consulting a doctor.

The purines contained in this cabbage have a negative effect on the body of people with gout. It is also not recommended for those who have problems with the functioning of the endocrine system - the product contains goitrogens, which suppress the production of thyroid hormones. You can get rid of them only through heat treatment. Cabbage also contains indoles, which negatively affect the process of iodine absorption.

Brussels sprouts are a type of cabbage with small, juicy heads. At the beginning of the 15th century, it began to be grown in the territory of modern Belgium, from where it spread throughout Europe. Brussels people are very proud of this cabbage as an important part of their culture. In our article we will tell you how Brussels sprouts are useful and whether they are harmful for specific diseases, and also consider the issue of their dietary qualities, that is, we will talk about the calorie content of Brussels sprouts.

The benefits and harms of Brussels sprouts

Small, but remote... rich in sulfur, potassium, B, K, and is also an excellent source of folic acid.

Brussels sprouts are indispensable for the heart, thanks to vitamin C, which is very beneficial for blood vessels and the entire cardiovascular system. Due to the high content of this vitamin, it helps with colds and strengthens the immune system. Folic acid is essential for pregnant women in the first 12 weeks. Doctors advise taking it daily for 2-3 months, even before planning a child, as it is necessary for the proper development of all organs and tissues of the fetus.

Stress resistance vitamins B6 and B12 help improve mood and also get rid of depression. These juicy heads owe their hemostatic properties to vitamin K, which promotes wound healing. The biggest benefit of Brussels sprouts is their high antioxidant content. These substances have a pronounced antitumor effect, especially in breast cancer and prostate cancer. Glucosinolates rush into our blood, detect cancer cells and destroy them. You will say that all cabbage prevents cancer, but it is Brussels sprouts that are ahead of cabbage, cauliflower and even broccoli in terms of the content of these beneficial substances. By the way, the peculiar smell and bitter taste are due to the content of these medicinal elements.

The low calorie content of Brussels sprouts (43 kcal per 100 g) attracts people who want to lose weight, and also allows people with diabetes to include this vegetable in their daily diet.

be careful

Despite all the benefits of Brussels sprouts, there is a risk of harm. the body for certain diseases. It is worth limiting its use when.

The origin of Brussels sprouts is indicated by its name. It was bred from kale by Belgian breeders and gardeners. High taste qualities made this culture popular first in Europe and America, and in the middle of the 19th century it appeared in Russia.

Small round or oval heads of Brussels sprouts differ from other types of cabbage not only in size. They, which is very important for women’s health, contain more vegetable protein and vitamins. In 100 grams of this vegetable crop, the protein content reaches 3.5 - 5%. This amount of product contains 90% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

The rich vitamin composition regulates the hormonal levels of the female body, has a positive effect on metabolic processes, and regulates reproductive function. Brussels sprouts contain substances, they are called DIM for short, which neutralize excess estrogen, and it is fraught with:

  • proliferation of the endometrium and formation of cysts;
  • decreased breast milk production;
  • violation of bone tissue formation.

Brussels sprouts have a powerful preventive and therapeutic effect against breast cancer. Numerous long-term studies have been conducted that have confirmed the fact that the incidence of cancer is reduced by 30% in women who regularly eat this type of cabbage.

The benefits of this vegetable during the period of conception and pregnancy should not be underestimated. The content of B vitamins and folic acid becomes an excellent prevention of congenital defects of the fetus. 100 g of vegetable contains more than the daily requirement of vitamin K. It increases blood clotting and reduces the risk of bleeding during childbirth.

The harmful effect on the female body is the ability to provoke excessive gas formation in the stomach and intestines and disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The benefits and harms of Brussels sprouts for men

Brussels sprouts are useful for both the fair sex and the stronger half of humanity.

It contains more calories than other types. This makes the vegetable more nutritious for the male body. In 100 g of product:

  • protein – 4 g;
  • fat – 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.5 g;
  • water – 86 g;
  • calories – 43kcal.

The content of essential amino acids and fiber make Brussels sprouts a useful product for sports nutrition and physical activity. It is a must on the menu for people involved in strength sports, including bodybuilding. The substances that make up Brussels sprouts regulate fat metabolism, promote the breakdown and removal of excess fat from the body.

The vitamin and mineral composition of the vegetable regulates hormonal levels and improves brain and central nervous system function. Eating Brussels sprouts for men at least once a week is a good prevention:

  • cancer;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack.

It is harmful for men with iodine metabolism disorders to consume Brussels sprouts. Indole, present in the vegetable, prevents the thyroid gland from absorbing iodine. This causes poor health and negatively affects brain processes and the immune system.

It is necessary to abandon this type of cabbage during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary organs.

The harm and benefits of Brussels sprouts for children

The advantage of Brussels sprouts over other types of vegetables in baby food is that small, toy-like heads of cabbage attract children, so kids will be happy to eat several pieces. It is enough to decorate any dish with a small amount of miniature cabbage so that the child receives the daily requirement of most nutrients.

Vitamin K, which this type of vegetable is rich in, is very useful for the child’s body. It not only improves blood clotting, but also has a positive effect on bone formation and bone growth. In addition, the product’s vitamins strengthen the child’s immune system and protect against viral and colds. Brussels sprouts are essential for feeding children with diabetes and help reduce the need for insulin.

In the diet of school-age children, the presence of Brussels sprouts improves:

  • vision;
  • memory;
  • attention;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • metabolism;
  • physical endurance.

For baby food you can use cabbage:

  • boil;
  • steam;
  • stew;
  • Use raw for salads.

It is harmful to include this type of vegetable in the menu of children suffering from:

  • diarrhea;
  • acute forms of colitis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • during the rehabilitation period after surgery on the abdominal organs;
  • for disorders of iodine absorption.

Such restrictions are most often temporary. As soon as the listed pathologies are eliminated, cabbage dishes can be safely included in baby food.

Harm and benefits of Brussels sprouts for babies

Feeding an infant Brussels sprouts can begin no earlier than six months of age. The benefits of this product for infants are as follows:

  • almost complete absence of allergens;
  • the presence of nutrients and beneficial substances;
  • contains a small amount of dietary fiber.

It is especially important to introduce Brussels sprouts into the diet of children with chronic constipation. In order not to harm the child’s health, complementary feeding with cabbage should be started according to the following rules:

  • If the child is breastfed, cabbage dishes are included in the mother’s diet in advance.
  • During the period of introducing complementary foods, the baby must be healthy.
  • The volume of the first portion should be no more than 1/2 tsp.
  • The introduction of a new product can begin a week after the inclusion of the previous complementary food in the diet.
  • Mashed cabbage can be combined with a small amount of breast milk or regular formula.
  • During the week, the amount of cabbage can be increased to 2-3 tbsp. spoons

It is harmful to introduce Brussels sprouts during any illness in the baby. It is contraindicated for children suffering from diarrhea, acute colitis and gastritis.

If the body of an adult or child reacts poorly to raw cabbage, it can be replaced with boiled or stewed vegetables. In any case, it is important to adhere to moderate consumption of even the healthiest foods.

Brussels sprouts are a type of cabbage that is exotic for our country and very popular in Europe. This miniature vegetable is very useful at any age and even begins to benefit children who are still in the womb.

Description of Brussels sproutss:
Brussels sprouts were bred by Belgian vegetable growers from kale. This cabbage is very similar to regular cabbage, only much smaller in size (about the size of a quail egg). The sweet and nutty flavor of Brussels sprouts is unlike other types of cabbage.

Ingredients of Brussels sprouts:
The composition of Brussels sprouts is rich in substances beneficial to humans. It contains , C and group B. It is very rich in folic acid (vitamin B9). Brussels sprouts also contain phosphorus, enzymes, sugars, amino acids and other beneficial substances.

Calories in Brussels sprouts:
The calorie content of Brussels sprouts is about 40 kcal.

Useful properties of Brussels sprouts:

  • Brussels sprouts help strengthen the immune system, increase the body's protective functions, and have anti-infective and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Brussels sprouts help cope with bronchopulmonary diseases.
  • Brussels sprouts reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Helps fight hypertension and arrhythmia. Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood composition.
  • Experts recommend including Brussels sprouts in the diet of people with diabetes.
  • Brussels sprouts are useful for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Helps relieve constipation.
  • Frequent consumption of Brussels sprouts significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Brussels sprouts have a wound-healing effect, so they are recommended for people who have undergone surgery.
  • Brussels sprouts have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems.
  • Brussels sprouts are recommended for pregnant women as they contain large amounts of folic acid, which significantly reduces the risk of birth defects in children.
  • Experts recommend including Brussels sprouts in children and the elderly.
  • Brussels sprouts are a good helper in the fight against excess weight.

Brussels sprouts contraindications:
People with high stomach acidity or gout should take Brussels sprouts with caution.

Eating and using Brussels sprouts:
Brussels sprouts can be steamed, boiled, baked, fried, prepared in salads, soups and other dishes. Dishes made from Brussels sprouts will decorate both everyday and holiday tables.

Eat Brussels sprouts and others with pleasure. And remember that a healthy lifestyle consists not only of proper nutrition, but also of physical activity and other components.