Meaning of the name Yasmina: characteristics, compatibility with other names. Meaning of the name Yasmina

How beautiful the name Yasmina sounds! Like a beautiful flower or the name of an eastern princess from a fairy tale. Indeed, the meaning of the name Yasmina is “jasmine” or “jasmine flower”.

Its origin is ancient Persian, it is especially common among Muslims. But this does not mean that the name is only available to Muslims; it is quite popular in other countries and nationalities around the world.

Synonyms for this name: Jasmine, Jasmina, Yasmine, Jasmine, Gelsomina. The affectionate and abbreviated name Yasmin sounds like Yasya, Yasechka, Yasenka, Yasminushka, Yasminchik, Mina.

What is she like?

From an early age it becomes clear and obvious that Yasmina is an original girl, she is so different from other children. Her character manifests itself early, sometimes she looks like an adult woman “imprisoned” in the body of a child.

Very smart, energetic, brave and sociable. This girl has no fears, she can protect the weak, rush into a fight if necessary, defend her interests or justice.

Yasmina has always been the leader among the kids; she is the one who comes up with what to play, what to do, gathering a group of children around her. She is obedient, especially if she was born in a Muslim family, honors and respects her parents, but sometimes she can be stubborn and capricious.

At school, a girl whose name is Yasmina enthusiastically and diligently studies only the subject that really interests her. If she is carried away by something, then it is better not to tear her away from this activity, because the whole world ceases to exist around her. Yasmina is an incredibly talented girl who is gifted in any art, and as a child she tries a lot: dancing, singing, drawing, and much more.

Success happens in everything, but it is important to make up your mind and ultimately choose one thing, the main thing, otherwise the girl will keep rushing from one hobby to another. Here wise parents should help her - consider what their daughter has the greatest ability and interest in, and encourage this activity.

Religious upbringing can greatly influence the character of this girl. For example, if she grows up in a Muslim family, then the priority of family and household will probably be instilled in her, she will be inclined to needlework, creating something original with her own hands.

If Yasmina is a Christian, then she can easily grow into a businesswoman, she has all the qualities for this. In general, no matter what she chooses, she will surely achieve success, because Yasmina’s character is firm, strong and powerful, she has a lot of ambitions, and she knows what she wants.

Never shifts responsibility onto someone else’s shoulders, does everything perfectly, achieves results and never gives up on the job he started.. She hates being interrupted from work and can become very hot-tempered because of this.

Yasmina is a real beauty, and already in childhood her beauty sets the girl apart from the crowd of her peers. It is not for nothing that the meaning of the name Yasmina is “blooming jasmine”; her beauty is truly enchanting and blooming.

Of course, this attracts the opposite sex, and the girl will always have many admirers. She loves male attention and knows how to behave with dignity. A little flirtatious, but in moderation. She starts dating guys quite early; already at school she may have her first love.

But a real, serious feeling will arise later, when the girl understands who exactly she is looking for. In her youth, she does not particularly need a gentleman, she is not looking for anyone herself, but can simply reciprocate the feelings of a good guy. But only after growing up does he begin to understand that he wants to find a worthy chosen one.

It is very important what kind of character this person will have. This does not mean that a man’s appearance does not matter to Yasmina - on the contrary, she will only choose a handsome, well-groomed and attractive guy. But he looks at character qualities very carefully.

To win this beauty, a man must be courageous and strong, self-confident and original, have good taste and be partial to the arts, and have a good education. If he has no ambitions, is no different from the mass of other men, is rude and uncouth, then this woman will not even look in his direction.

Work is of great importance to this woman, because Yasmina is a real hard worker. But only in the business that she really likes. She is an original woman, and she will also look for an unusual job. She often becomes an artist, designer, can become an architect, or work in a theater or museum.

She has a great affinity for handicrafts, so she can become an excellent fashion designer, create jewelry or accessories, or open her own store of handmade items. Yasmina has a commercial streak, so she will probably learn to earn good money, and is unlikely to live in poverty, working for pennies.

Who will she be happy with?

Family will be of decisive importance for her only when Yasmina meets her chosen one. It’s not easy for her to find a man who will be stronger, smarter and wiser than herself, but she needs just such a man. Let's see which male names are most suitable for her, and which ones, on the contrary, have minimal chances of success. Nikita, Grigory, Denis, Alexey, Roman. And the bearers of these names are unlikely to look for a woman like Yasmina, and she herself will not pay attention to them. They are incredibly different!

Yasmina does not celebrate her name day, since this name is not in the church calendar.

It is safe to say that among women named Yasmina there are no unhappy, stupid or lonely ones. This magical name will definitely give its owner a wonderful destiny - interesting, unusual and very happy! Author: Vasilina Serova

Distribution and forms

Much earlier than the name, a bush called jasmine appeared in Europe. Originally from India, it first came to Spain with the Arab conquests, and during the Reconquista it spread throughout southern Europe. For the beauty and aroma of delicate jasmine flowers in the Muslim world, girls began to be named after him. In Farsi this name sounds like Yasmin, among the Turkic peoples - with the ending “a” or “e”.

Later other forms appeared. In Spain they pronounce Hasmin, and there is also Gelsomina in Italy, Jesmin in England, Yasmein in Holland. Jasmine is very popular and loved among Muslims. That's why there is even a male name Yasmin.

Energy titles

It closely matches the aura of people born under the zodiac constellation Gemini. In this regard, Yasmina should be called a girl born at the end of May or at the beginning of June. She will be versatile, successful in business and trade, gifted and artistic. But she will also have negative traits, such as excessive ambition, short temper and frivolity. Yasmin is as delicate as the flower of the plant from whose name it comes. Therefore, such a girl will be easily vulnerable, very susceptible. No wonder this is the name of the princess from the animated series about Aladdin.

Choice of profession

Jasmine flower is amazingly elegant, fragrant, charming. This meaning of the name Yasmin influences the choice of profession. The girl named after the flower loves to show off in front of the public. In addition, she is gifted with artistic talents, she has a developed ear for music, good plasticity and aesthetic taste. Most likely, she will choose the artistic field, maybe become a singer or film actress. If Yasmin was born under the constellation Gemini, she can succeed in business, since she is protected by Mercury. Romantic and sensitive, Yasmin can also try herself in the humanitarian field: pedagogy, psychology, astrology. Among doctors there are many bearers of this name. Although they can also be found among adherents of other professions.

Personal life influences how a girl chooses her betrothed and how she builds a relationship with him. The aroma of the flower is passionate, but the appearance is delicate and somewhat cold. Likewise, behind the ostentatious restraint of the charming Gelsomina, violent passions are hidden. She does not rush into the arms of the first person she meets, but is looking for a spouse who would meet all her requirements. But having found one, she opens up completely to him, and he will idolize her and carry her in his arms, despite the fact that Yasmin will not make a very good housewife. But for children she will be a gentle and caring mother.

Another meaning of the name Yasmin

However, in Greece this word does not come from a fragrant bush with white flowers. This is the female form of the name Jason, that same legendary hero who set off on a long voyage for the Golden Fleece. In this case, Yasmina means “healing.” Although they say that this word does not correlate well with Russian patronymics and surnames, there are suggestions that the ancient Slavs also had it in their arsenal of female names. In its diminutive form it is preserved as the affectionate “Yasochka”, “Yasya”. So you shouldn't consider it alien. The meaning of the name Yasmin among the Slavs is somewhat different - clear, sunny, friendly. These traits, of course, will be passed on to the girl named by this name.

When deciding what to name a girl, future parents try to choose an option that would combine beauty and grace, and also be combined with the middle name. In addition, it must be taken into account that the name largely determines the character and fate of the child. In recent decades, the female name Yasmina, previously common only in the East, has become popular in European countries and Russia, the meaning of which will be revealed in this article.

History of the origin of the female name Yasmina

There are several versions of the origin of the name Yasmina.

  • According to the first, it originated in Persia and is a variation of the more common Jasmine in that country. Translated from Persian, it means “jasmine flower” or “jasmine branch.” This name is associated with a beautiful and sad legend about a girl who fell in love with the Sun God, but was rejected by him. Out of despair, she committed suicide, and her saddened lover turned her into a spreading bush, strewn with white fragrant flowers. According to legend, this is why jasmine blooms only at night: at this time, the girl’s soul is freed without disturbing the peace of the Sun God.
  • Another version says that this name is of Arabic origin and is derived from the masculine Yasin. In Muslim countries, such variants as Yasmin and Yasman are common, and among Tajiks - Yesuman.

Having gained popularity in other countries, the name has undergone some changes. The English transformed it into Jasmin and Jesmin, the Spanish into Hasmin, the Portuguese into Jasmin, the Hungarians into Yazmin, and the Finns into Yasmin.

Did you know? Among the Greeks, the name for a girl, Yasmina, has nothing to do with the flower. The descendants of the inhabitants of Hellas consider it a feminine form of the name Jason. This is the hero of the myth who mined the Golden Fleece. Translated from Greek, the name means “healing.”

The meaning of the name Yasmina for a girl

The name Yasmina will endow the girl with such qualities as ambition and a sharp mind, strong will and perseverance in achieving goals.

Little Yasmina is an obedient child, but at the same time she will lack perseverance. A girl with this name is fascinated by everything that surrounds her, and her passion for knowledge will not allow the little girl to concentrate on one activity for a long time.

At school, Yasmina will do well in all subjects and will be able to easily win not only the love of her teachers, but also the respect of her classmates. She will begin to attend various clubs and develop diversified, discovering a craving for music, dancing, fine or theatrical arts.

Possessing a sharp mind and quick wit, as well as incredible intuition and the ability to charm others, the girl is easily able to “sit on the head” of her parents. It is important for mom and dad to find a middle ground in their upbringing, taking into account the opinion of their wayward daughter, but not allowing her to rule.

What does a name mean in Islam?

The Muslim name Yasmina is translated from Arabic as “flower of paradise.” There are other options for “a girl who will end up in heaven” or “a gift from God.”

Followers of Islam consider women bearing this name to be gentle and sophisticated, like a flower. They endow them with such qualities as kindness and love for all living things, respect for parents and devotion to their life partner.

However, Muslims are confident that these qualities are inherent in girls who have received a strict upbringing. If the mother and father show excessive softness and indulge the daughter’s whims, she will grow up selfish and arrogant, which does not suit the Eastern woman at all.

Character and fate associated with the name

The character of adult Yasmina is very contradictory. On the one hand, there is an iron will and perseverance in achieving the goal, and on the other, sensuality and romance.

Women with this name are strong and persistent, not giving in to difficulties. At the same time, they are kind and decent and never follow the principle “the end justifies the means.”

Thanks to her sharp mind and creativity, Yasmina is capable of making a brilliant career in her chosen field; her ambitions simply will not allow her to remain “average.” She will always be a little annoyed by people who are not as energetic as she is.

In love, a girl with this name is passionate and romantic. But she takes the choice of a partner seriously; rushing headlong into the pool and making spontaneous decisions is not for her. He treats his life partner with respect, and raises his children with strictness, but always takes into account their opinions and needs.

Yasmina’s health is excellent, and if an illness arises, she copes with it easily. Often women with this name remain youthful and attractive until old age.

Compatibility of the name Yasmina with patronymics

A patronymic of oriental origin would be suitable for this name; this combination will allow the best qualities to be fully revealed.

Men with the following names can also name their daughter Yasmina:

  • Alexander;
  • Victor;
  • Kirill;
  • Nikolai;
  • Edward;
  • Michael.

And the name of Greek origin Konstantin will also help enhance Yasmina’s best qualities. Literally translated, it means “constant” and will somewhat balance the girl’s contradictory disposition.

Which male names will reveal the secret of family life?

Family and a good relationship with her husband are very important to Yasmina. She chooses her life partner long and carefully, giving preference to successful, but at the same time kind and caring men.

A strong and happy marriage is possible with Alexei, Vladislav or Fedor. It is possible that Boris will become a good husband for Yasmina, because their interests and character are similar in many ways. It is also possible to create a family with Andrey, since friendship and sympathy arise literally from the first minutes of acquaintance.

Romantic relationships may arise with Alexander, Dmitry, Kirill and Sergei, but it is unlikely that they will end in a wedding.

The relationship with Ian will be stormy, but short-lived, and when Yasmina meets a man named Evgeniy, strong mutual hostility often appears.

The influence of the season

The time of year when a person was born also influences the formation of his character and future fate.

  • Winter Yasminas are quite often very talented. From childhood, they discover remarkable abilities in one area or another, and parents need to support the child in all endeavors. Subsequently, the girl will be able to reach unprecedented heights in the business to which she dedicated her life, since she is endowed with unprecedented hard work.
  • Yasmina, born in the spring, has bright charisma and charm. Such a girl copes well with emotions and knows how to show her best side. She is beautiful and men like her, skillfully maintaining their interest in her person.
  • Summer Yasminas are cheerful and cheerful, love making new acquaintances and are always surrounded by girlfriends and admirers. Such a girl, as if jokingly, achieves her goals, and everything comes easy to her. At the same time, she is a little flighty, but having met her love, she will remain devoted to her man.
  • Girls named Yasmina, born in the fall, are more serious, but at the same time they never avoid cheerful companies. They are capable of painstaking and monotonous work, but since they still remain creative people, they should not choose such types of activities. Autumn Yasmina’s extraordinary intelligence allows her to solve assigned tasks, even if they are very complex.

Yasmina, who has curbed her character, knows how to control her emotions and has the opportunity to realize her abilities, has every chance of becoming a happy and successful woman.

Video on the topic

The name comes from the name of the jasmine flower (English jasmine, German Jasmin, Spanish jazmín, Italian gelsomino), going back to the Persian “yasmine”.

It is not Christian, therefore it is not included in the calendar, name days are not celebrated.


The name Yasmina is widespread not only in the East, but also among European peoples.

  • Options: in Asian countries, the name Jasmine is most often used, but you can also hear Yosuman (Yesuman). In England, the girl will be called Jasmine, Jesmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in Portugal - Zhazhmin, Jasmin, Zhazhmina (Jasmina), in Italy - Jelsomina, Jesmi, Jesmi, Zhesmil, Jasmina, in Hungary - Yazmin, in Bulgaria - Jasmina, Jasmine , Yasmina, Yasmin, in the Netherlands - Yasmein, Yasmin, in Finland - Yasmin, Yasmina, Yasmiina.
  • Diminutive forms: Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Jelsa, Jelsina.


As a child, Yasmina has a calm character, although the girl is quite cheerful. Yasmina is easy to raise, because the girl grows up obedient and does not contradict without a good reason. However, you should not consider Yasmina a shy quiet person; she can quite stand up for herself and often very persistently defends her point of view. Already at an early age, she develops a strong and strong-willed character, although Yasmina rarely demonstrates these qualities in public. It is important for parents not to indulge their daughter’s whims, but at the same time to show that her opinion is listened to. Then Yasmina will quickly learn to negotiate with others, and it will be much easier for her to build relationships in the future. In the case of authoritarian pressure, a girl can grow up losing many of the qualities of her name.

Success in studies and sports

Yasmina finds it easy to study and is especially successful in the humanities. She tries to please her parents with her grades, and usually she succeeds. Failure to do well may only be due to a lack of interest, but usually girls with this name are interested in everything in the world, from a small bug to the vast Universe.

Yasmina grows up as a creatively gifted child and is often interested in various extracurricular activities. She can go to dances, to a theater studio or somewhere else. If she likes it, then she can achieve serious success in this. Among her hobbies she selects games that in one way or another involve erudition and creativity; sports interests her little.

Fate in love, marriage and family

Yasmina is attractive, has an inner attraction and is capable of breaking more than one man’s heart. Yasmina chooses her life partner, guided, first of all, by the arguments of her heart, but not through cunning calculations. However, initially Yasmina makes high demands on her future husband. It is important for her that the person is attractive, wealthy, educated and, of course, appreciates her as a person. Despite practicality in everyday life and the desire to live securely, Yasmina strives to do a lot herself. In family life, a woman with this name will be the head, even if her husband opposes this. She is very powerful, and also smart, so it will not be difficult for her to forever tie her chosen one to her, even if he is not particularly pleased with the constant pressure from his wife.

But the characteristic of the name Yasmin is such that if she comes across a truly strong, sincerely loving man who can restrain his wife’s irrepressible will for freedom and power, then in the end we can expect the girl to significantly change her position in the family - she will become affectionate, obedient, loving , and when the kids appear, you can call her an ideal mother.

Name compatibility

  • Excellent Compatibility: Maxim, Danil, Mikhail, Dmitry, Andrey, Kirill, Vasily, Igor, Egor, Ruslan.
  • Poor compatibility: Sergey, Ilya, Matvey, Nikita, Grigory, Vladislav, Denis, Alexey, Roman.

Characteristics in career

Yasmina chooses a profession related to something that will constantly maintain her interest. These can be areas of the artistic or aesthetic sphere; you can often find owners of this name among doctors. Yasmina is not averse to trying herself in the humanities (psychology, astrology, graphology, pedagogy). Yasmina prefers a family business or a job where she will receive not only pleasure from work, but also profit from her activities (business, finance, management).

Yasmina loves and knows how to work. Her characteristic hard work and responsibility are especially respected by her colleagues and, of course, in demand among employers. Yasmina knows how to improve relationships in a team, although sometimes she herself is the cause of quarrels, since she takes many work issues very seriously, and she boldly points out their shortcomings to careless people. Of course, this does not lead to much popularity, but in the end everyone understands that she is right.

For her subordinates, the owner of this unusual name will be an unquestioned authority, although often a slight whisper of discontent will be heard behind her back, since she is very demanding and wants strict obedience and exact fulfillment of demands from workers.


Yasmina's health can be called ideal. She rarely gets sick, and if she does get infected or catch a cold, she usually tolerates the disease easily. A woman named Yasmin maintains her health and beauty for a very long time and with almost no effort. However, sometimes this natural gift can be the cause of problems, since often those with good health neglect preventive measures.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Suitable for changeable zodiac signs such as Gemini, Cancer or Libra.
  • Patron planet: the name Yasmina corresponds to the Moon, which gives Yasmina a charming feminine energy.

The mystery of the name

Yasmina's secret can be called her excessive desire to make her family ideal. It happens that Yasmina tries so hard to achieve perfection in a relationship that she loses the ease of life.

Ultimately, this can lead to the fact that love fades away, and the relationship turns into the implementation of the “Ideal Family” business plan. She should be careful and prevent this from happening.


  • Element: water, just as changeable and stormy when it overflows its banks.
  • Metal of Yasmina and Moon: silver.
  • Color: white - a symbol of purity, the color of the Moon and jasmine petals.
  • Totem animal: seahorse.
  • Stone-amulet: Yasmina's stone is considered to be jasper.
  • Amulet plant: the best flower for Yasmina will, of course, be jasmine. It is very favorable for Yasmina to acquire a jasmine bush in front of the house or in the garden. Another decoration of her garden will be lilies.

Famous people with this name

  • Yasmina Reza is a French film and theater actress, novelist and playwright.
  • Jasmina Mihailovic is a Serbian-born writer, literary critic and literary scholar.
  • Yasmina Khadra is the pseudonym of the Algerian-born writer Mohammed Moulesoul, which was taken to protect him from military censorship.
  • Jasmin Woehr is a German tennis player who played in doubles.
  • Yasmine Lafitte is a porn actress of Moroccan origin who worked in France.
  • Yasmin Wagner - actress, singer, model, TV presenter.
  • Yasmin Levy is an Israeli performer.
  • Yasmin Ghauri is a top model of Canadian origin who began her career at the age of 17.
  • Yasmine Blyth is an American model and actress, known for the TV series “Baywatch” and “Detective Nash Bridges”.
The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.

Compatibility of the name Yasmina, manifestation in love

Yasmina, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.