Is it possible to take it from the cemetery? Rules of conduct in a cemetery - how to behave in a cemetery. Is it possible to count money in a cemetery?

Why can't you take things from the cemetery? Let's start with the fact that this is, at the very least, ugly. Secondly, a cemetery is a place that is thoroughly saturated with negative energy. People come here not to relax and enjoy life. There is pain, hopelessness and tears.

Any thing, be it flowers or a souvenir in a cemetery, has its own hidden meaning. When grieving friends and relatives decorate a grave with flowers and mementos, they are putting a piece of their soul into it, and the dead perceive this gift as an expression of love.

No mysticism

By taking something from a grave, a person does something unpleasant first of all to the living, who the next time they come to the grave will not find gifts.

Cemeteries evoke a variety of feelings. Some are afraid of them, for others, on the contrary, this is a place of boundless peace where you can walk alone. However, it is always a good idea to show cemeteries due respect. Drinking alcohol and stupid photo sessions near graves will not lead to good things. Retribution will definitely come.


This is one of the strongest areas in black magic. All necromagic rituals involve a cemetery, using dead energy, sorcerers cast curses and damage.

By bringing something from a cemetery, out of ignorance, you can start the absorption process and transfer all the negativity to yourself and your loved ones. The consequences can be the most tragic. Dead energy can completely destroy living energy, and a person begins to fade right before our eyes.

Flowers from the cemetery. Eyewitness Tamara tells

I live in an ordinary village, and my house is located directly opposite the cemetery. My great-great-grandfather also lived on this site, and I don’t know how it happened that the house is located next to the cemetery; perhaps it simply expanded over time.

In the villages it is so customary that almost the entire village comes to the funeral. I got used to funeral processions from early childhood. I was eight years old then, and one day, after another funeral, I saw beautiful flowers on the grave. And immediately after the funeral, I ran to the cemetery to pick up a bouquet to put it in my room. That day my parents worked late and when they returned home they didn’t notice the flowers in my room.

At night I woke up from some rustling in my room. Opening my eyes, I saw in the twilight that in the center of my room there was some kind of animal that looked like a dog, only it had a human head. The lips of this monster moved and whispered something. I tried to scream, but my voice disappeared from fear. I sat on my bed and could not move from horror. I sat and looked at the monster for about fifteen minutes, maybe longer. Gathering all my strength, I jumped out of bed and ran to my parents’ bedroom.

Good day. The magician Azal is with you. Today we are discussing the situation if you were brought flowers from a cemetery - how to react. What happens if you bring flowers home from the cemetery. What to do if you are given flowers from a cemetery or thrown under your door. I’ll tell you whether it’s possible to take plants from a cemetery and why, as well as about the signs associated with cemetery flowers.

Is it possible to take plants from a cemetery?

Many people do not know whether it is possible to take plants, flowers, mushrooms, berries home or seeds from the cemetery for later growing plants in their dacha. There is an unbreakable rule - “You can't take anything from the cemetery”.

Taking a flower from a cemetery or any object means trouble is a sure sign. This is not even a sign, but a pattern. Why can't you take flowers from the cemetery? There are at least two explanations for this that I would like to draw your attention to.

If you take a flower to a cemetery, what will happen?

The energy of a cemetery is special and has its own properties and effects. It is special in every cemetery and represents a balance of different energies, messages, emotions:

  • death, bodies decomposing underground;
  • transformation, transition from the world of the living to the world of the dead;
  • peace of departed souls;
  • the bitterness of the restless, the forgotten;
  • the grief of funeral processions;
  • tears, lamentations of relatives, etc.

A plant that has grown in this atmosphere has absorbed it, it is saturated with it. You can make a figurative comparison for better understanding. Imagine that this flower grew in an area with an unacceptably high level of radiation. He is also beautiful, but he is dangerous.

After cutting, such a plant will distribute this radiation in your home or on your summer cottage. You will get sick and not understand the reasons for what is happening.

Cemetery energy does not bring anything good to the home. Dead - to the dead, living - to the living. The dead can pull the living with it, but not vice versa - you cannot resurrect the dead, this is an irreversible change.

If you take flowers from a cemetery and place a bouquet at home, what will happen? The effect of dead energy is standard:

  • Everyone in the house begins to get sick, the illnesses are protracted;
  • earnings deteriorate, financial flow stops;
  • all things seem to calm down and stop moving forward;
  • issues that require resolution are “stuck”;
  • love relationships deteriorate, love fades away;
  • the feeling of comfort in the house disappears.

Flowers cut from the cemetery will not last long in the house. After they wither, they will be thrown away, and the previous atmosphere will gradually be restored in the house. It’s worse if a flower is dug up with roots and planted at home - the influence of the necrolayer will be long-lasting and will cause deeper changes in the life of each resident of the house.

Why you can't take flowers from a cemetery

There is another good reason why you should not take flowers from a cemetery. The graveyard is the land of the dead, it is their home, their territory. It is necessary to perceive a trip to a cemetery as a trip to visit the dead. That is, you go to someone else’s house, where their own rules apply.

When visiting a living person, you may like his flower or thing, but you will not take it without asking. If you take it, it will be theft. Why can you take flowers from the dead? Just because you don't know how to ask? Or are you confident in the impunity of stealing from the dead?

In fact, such theft can make a dead person very angry. Especially if it is forgotten, hungry, restless, burdened, with unfinished business, degraded during life or after death, etc. And here you are, taking away his only joy - the scent of his favorite flowers.

An angry dead person may well become attached to you, and you will leave the cemetery not only with his bouquet, but also with him. And a dead person in the house is not bad, but very bad. Buying these stolen flowers would cost mere pennies compared to how much you would lose from binding a dead one. Losses will follow the principle “where it is thin, it breaks,” but in the end everything can break.

They gave flowers from a cemetery - in the vast majority of cases, this is a situation of deliberate damage. Less commonly, damage due to negligence, without malicious intent:

  • he picked it while walking through the cemetery and gave it to his beloved girl;
  • there were “extra” flowers left from a friend’s funeral;
  • bought from people who collect flowers from graves, etc.

Flowers from a cemetery given to an evil person without intent will spoil your life due to the energy and possible binding of the deceased. But more often they don’t just give flowers from the cemetery, but enhance the destructive effects of damage with special sayings and conspiracies.

What do they do in such cases? Of course, if you know where these flowers come from, do not accept them as a gift. Don't take their hands, don't touch them. Let the person who brought such a gift leave your home with it.

If you were given flowers from a cemetery, and you found out about this “retroactively” or you suspect this, contact the specialist for a consultation. In this case, a review is necessary to find out whether there is a binding of the deceased, whether the damage has been enhanced. Depending on the diagnosis, the technician will select methods for cleaning and removing such damage.

Why do they throw flowers from the cemetery at the door?

Flowers from the cemetery are not thrown out of good intentions and not with the aim of surprising you with a pleasant surprise, alas. More often they are given into the hands of the victim according to the ritual. Less often, if it is impossible to deliver in person, flowers from the cemetery are thrown under the door.

If you opened the door and saw such a lining on your threshold, thenin no case:

  • do not pick up the lining with your hands;
  • do not bring flowers into the house;
  • do not kick the bouquet or wreath away from the door;
  • do not move the wreath to the door of your unloved neighbor;
  • do not sweep it aside with a broom;
  • do not throw it in the garbage chute, etc.

How to properly get rid of lining in the form of flowers from a cemetery

I published an article a long time ago abouthow to get rid of lining . Here I will describe an alternative option for finishing the lining.

Condition: You did not touch the lining or bring it into the house. If you took it and brought it in, then you will no longer be able to finish the lining yourself - contact a specialist for help.

If the condition is met, then you will protect yourself from the evil intentions of another person and will be able to return the lining to the person who made it.

Let me emphasize that you can return the intention to the person, that is, the damage itself. If you return the lining to the person who made it physically (take the flowers themselves to the person) - this will not give anything! You took the lining with your hands, it was discharged, it reached its goal, and there is no use in returning it.

To properly dispose of a lining in the form of a gift of flowers from a cemetery, you will need:

  1. dry red wine;
  2. a square of camphor (less often it is replaced with camphor oil);
  3. strong alcohol that burns (alcohol, pervak, vodka); if it doesn’t burn, it’s not suitable for finishing the lining;
  4. ground black pepper.

Douse the stock with red wine. Grind a square of camphor into powder in your hands and sprinkle it generously on top. Then pour alcohol over it and set it on fire.

Please note that when burning, smoke should not reach you!

While the lining is burning, you sprinkle it with black pepper and with your words, with great desire, send the damage back to your ill-wisher. To return the lining to the person who made it, you say out loud something like the following:

Go to the one who sent you!

Return to the one who brought you!

Go to the one who cursed me!

Burnt remains and ashes are swept onto a dustpan, taken away from the house and thrown away.

Anticipating your questions in the comments, I will write that it is better to burn the lining where you found it. If it is really impossible to do this, take the lining using linen tongs, sticks, etc. and take it to a place for burning.

Do not pick up the lining with your hands! Don't rely on the protection of your gloves - rose thorns, nails, needles, and wire in wreaths can puncture them!

If you bring flowers from the cemetery to spoil your enemy

You can read this article and decide to bring flowers from the cemetery to spoil your enemy. Don't rush, the magic here doesn't work as clearly as you might think! Remember the proverb: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else...” The master is aware of the intricacies of performing such magical work, he knows the rules and nuances on which you will definitely stumble.

Without magical knowledge, performing damage is very fraught for the operator. For example, an embittered dead person tied to flowers from a cemetery can easily stay with you. He will not want to go to the person to whom you gave his bouquet, but will harm the thief. Therefore, be prudent and do not make mistakes that you cannot correct on your own.

I look forward to your questions in the comments. Subscribe to site updates to learn more about magic. Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site “

A cemetery is a special place where even non-superstitious people try to follow the rules. For many years, stories have been told that misfortunes happened to everyone who brought any things from the graveyard. It is not possible to check their veracity, but almost no one questions this. Why can't you take anything from the cemetery? Let's look into this complex issue!

What things are prohibited from being brought from the churchyard?

Cemeteries are unique places where eras are woven together, where you can find ancient burials and fresh graves. Grieving people often bring souvenirs and favorite things of the deceased to graves, and furnish the burial site with good materials. Despite the availability of such things, you should never take from the cemetery:

  • Any building materials, such as sand, crushed stone, old gravestones, even if they were thrown into a landfill.
  • Scrap metal - old fences, rods or any other metal things lying around on the road.
  • Vegetation - flowers, herbs, fruits, because they are saturated with negative energy, which will certainly be transmitted to the one who picks them up or eats them.
  • Any souvenirs, jewelry, valuables left at graves or simply lying on the road.

We can safely say that nothing that belongs to this place should be removed from the graveyard. Moreover, this applies not only to looting, but also to cleaning the graves of relatives and loved ones. If a vase, candlestick or glass is broken, it can only be taken away if a new one is put in its place. Otherwise, the spirit of the deceased person may become angry and bring misfortune.

Why can't you take anything?

There are several reasons explaining the ban on removing things from the cemetery. All of them have been known since ancient times and are still passed down from generation to generation. You cannot take things from the cemetery because they:

  • They are saturated with negative dead energy that can destroy the natural defenses of a living person and cause irreparable harm to him. As you know, there is no place for joy and smiles in a churchyard; it is saturated with tears, grief, sorrow, and sadness. All this is transmitted to surrounding things and constantly accumulates. When such energy falls into the hands of living people, it instantly “sticks” and absorbs all positive emotions and events.
  • They are the property of the dead, which is jealously guarded and protected. Naturally, when spirits have their things taken away, they become enraged and begin to take revenge for what was stolen.
  • They can be used in necromagic - one of the darkest areas in the magical world. Only a small number of psychics and fortune tellers risk practicing this direction. If an ignorant person brings a charmed item from a cemetery, he immediately starts the process of transferring necrotic energy to himself. As a result, the aura is corroded, the person begins to experience constant fears, depression, and even dies.
  • They were brought in memory of the departed and taking them away is an ugly and inhumane act. The Orthodox Church adheres to the same version, since according to its teachings, there cannot be any spirits in the cemetery. Therefore, they cannot cause any harm!

Each person decides for himself whether to believe in signs or prejudices. However, there have been repeated cases of serious illness, financial troubles and even deaths after someone brought an item from the cemetery. There is no point in risking your health and life and taking what belongs to another world.

What to do to avoid getting into trouble?

A churchyard is a special place where you need to behave calmly and with restraint. To ensure that visiting this place does not bring any trouble, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • It is prohibited to take any things from the coffin or grave, as they are the property of the deceased. If there is a need to replace a broken vase or any other item, then it must be replaced immediately with a new one. It is advisable to explain to the deceased during the course of actions why these actions are being taken, and ask for forgiveness for the disturbance.
  • You cannot step on or jump over graves, as this will anger the deceased. If this happens, then you need to immediately step back and ask the deceased for forgiveness.
  • Before visiting, you should remove all metal jewelry, as they attract and accumulate negative energy. You can only leave the pectoral cross, but it must be hidden under clothes.
  • If any foreign things were found on the grave, for example, small change, candles and other strange objects, then under no circumstances should you pick them up. You are allowed to sweep them away with a broom and burn them.
  • If any thing has fallen, then you should not pick it up, since it has already become the property of the dead. If the item was valuable, for example, a mobile phone or keys, then instead of it you need to put a payoff on the ground - a few coins or sweets.

After returning from the necropolis, all clothes should be immediately removed and put into the washing machine, even if they visually seem clean. Even a few specks of dust from the cemetery remaining on things can cause health problems, family problems, and financial problems.

Sooner or later, each of us faces death. Unfortunately, it is an integral part of the circle that all living beings on our planet go through. We are born, grow and die at a moment unknown to us until that very last fateful moment. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with having information about signs in a cemetery. After all, most of them are the result of long observations and secret knowledge that our people possessed in ancient times. It is worth noting that signs at funerals and in the cemetery represent a certain set of rules. If you follow them, the dead will never harm you, but, on the contrary, will always come to your defense in any situation. We think this alone should attract your attention to this article.

What not to do in a cemetery: list of prohibitions

Regardless of religious beliefs and social status, every person should understand how to behave in a churchyard. Otherwise, due to ignorance or carelessness, you can make a number of mistakes, including fatal ones. Knowing the signs at the cemetery will definitely protect you from negativity and life problems that you can bring home after a funeral or visiting the graves of loved ones. So, what you should never do in a cemetery:

  • For some reason, it is customary among our compatriots to remember the deceased with strong drinks. This is strictly prohibited both at a funeral and in the case of a regular visit to a churchyard. The fact is that the soul of the deceased may become angry with his not-so-sober relative and contribute to the arrival of some troubles in his life. In addition, all people related to magic know that a drunk person’s energy field sharply weakens, so any negativity easily clings to it. And the cemetery, as you know, is the place where a large amount of bad energy and various entities accumulate. You shouldn't risk attracting their attention to you.
  • Be extremely careful when talking about your current affairs at the grave. Many people, coming to their deceased relatives, share with them joyful and sad news, plans for the future and their fears about this or that action in life. However, there is no need to be overly emotional, because the soul may take pity on you in case of trouble and call you along. And it is completely unacceptable to ask for death while lamenting. In this case, the spirits of the graveyard will definitely hear you and fulfill your voiced request.
  • It is better not to take children under twelve years of age with you to the churchyard. They have not yet lost contact with higher powers, so they have the opportunity to see the souls of the deceased. And they, in turn, can try to get in touch with the child. It seems that such an experience will not benefit your child.
  • Do not allow quarrels in the cemetery. Our ancestors argued that those who swear at the grave will always be surrounded by problems and troubles. Esotericists confirm this sign, because the energy of the deceased is capable of several times increasing the negativity thrown out here.
  • Experienced people also advise visiting the graves of deceased relatives before noon. After lunch, a rampage of low energies begins in the cemetery, which can also affect you. Therefore, plan such trips for early in the morning, in this case they will be safe.

As you can see, these rules are quite simple, but they are not the only ones regarding signs in the cemetery. Therefore, we decided to look at a few more important topics that reveal superstitions and rules for visiting a graveyard.

Funeral: how to behave correctly

It's no secret that a person must be seen off on his last journey, observing a lot of rituals. Not every one of them is significant enough to affect the course of life of the person involved in the process. In this section, we have collected only the most important rules that must be followed by anyone who had to attend a funeral:

  • Try to dress only in black when seeing off a loved one on their last journey. It is believed that wearing white and colored clothes will be disrespectful to the deceased, and you may incur negativity.
  • Never talk loudly during a funeral, this will definitely not please the souls living in the cemetery.
  • You cannot tell stories, share news and life events while you are at the graveyard. All conversations should concern only the deceased and the good that he did in life.
  • Even if you had a difficult relationship with the deceased, find good words for him during the funeral. Under no circumstances should one speak ill of the deceased.
  • It is necessary to see off a person on his last journey only in closed shoes. Exposed toes and heels will spell trouble for you as they may come into contact with the cemetery soil.

Any violation of the above rules entails a number of problems that will be difficult to somehow neutralize. Esotericists say that such negativity becomes a very heavy and unbearable burden, breaking the usual way of life. Keep in mind that in any case, you should take a bottle of water with you to the graveyard and be sure to wash your face with it on the way out to get rid of the cemetery’s negativity.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to a cemetery: signs

The presence of women in a delicate position at the churchyard raises many questions, because expectant mothers should experience only positive emotions. How much harm could it do to them to attend a funeral or visit the grave of a loved one?

Of course, pregnant women should avoid traveling to the cemetery. Their energy is very sensitive to the low vibrations that permeate this earth. In addition, signs warn women expecting a baby from visiting the churchyard for a number of the following reasons:

  • The souls of the deceased and dark entities living on the graves can take the baby with them. They may be attracted to it and the baby’s soul will be drawn to the call, leaving the mother’s womb.
  • In some cases, the soul of a deceased person can move into an unborn child if it really wants to find a body ahead of time.

To avoid all this, a pregnant woman should wear a red dress and tie a band of the same color on her wrist. This will scare away the spirits and protect the soul of the unborn baby.

Overnight at the churchyard

Night in the Graveyard is a cliched trope in most horror films. Many people associate this with something really scary that can end in death.

But in fact, anyone can spend the night in a cemetery absolutely calmly. Especially if he comes to the grave of his loved one. Magicians say that the souls of relatives will never harm us. They will guard and protect their relatives from all the problems of the material and otherworldly world. Therefore, if for one reason or another night finds you in a cemetery. Just mentally ask for protection from your relatives, who will definitely take you out of the graveyard safe and sound.

Photos at the cemetery

Esotericists speak extremely negatively about photos taken in a cemetery. We think everyone knows that there is a very close connection between a person and his image. At the same time, the person himself can be easily influenced through a photograph, which is what happens in the case of cemetery photographs.

Judge for yourself: you firmly associate your image in the photo with the coffin, monument, wreaths and the deceased himself. All this bears a strong imprint of negative energy, which in the future can even cause an incurable disease. It is especially dangerous to take photographs at a grave that is not yet forty days old. Until this period expires, all the negativity that spilled out at the moment of a person’s death remains on earth.

Also, photos can disturb the soul of the deceased, who, through the photo, will begin to come to his home, where he once felt good. We think that such a neighborhood will definitely make you feel uncomfortable.

Magicians claim that it is in the cemetery that numerous acts of corruption or summoning of dark energies are carried out. Absolutely by chance, you can capture yourself in such a place, associating your image with low magical vibrations. The consequence of such a connection may even be the death of the person depicted in the photo.

from the funeral

If you do have to take a photo of the grave, try not to keep it at home. It will be a real negative funnel, creating an unfavorable atmosphere in your home. It will absorb all the good that you create. Children are especially susceptible to such vibrations; they begin to constantly get sick and be capricious. There will never be peace, love and prosperity in such a house.

If you still need to store photos in your apartment, you need to put them face down in a thick envelope. Place it away from all the things you use, in an area of ​​the house where little family members are present.

Things from the grave

Remember that you should never, under any circumstances, take objects from graves. Flowers in a cemetery, for example, are often the subject of theft. People without a fixed place of residence take them away from their graves and resell them to traders. And they, in turn, again make them a means of their profit. Please note that such an act can greatly anger souls. After all, flowers in a cemetery are intended for one or another deceased person. By taking them, you are committing a very unseemly act, which will soon be punished.

Signs prohibit taking any things from the cemetery; they already belong to souls and must remain with them. Many magicians advise coming to the grave of relatives with a minimum number of things. After all, a phone that, for example, accidentally fell out of your pocket, will also need to be left in the cemetery, like any other thing that has fallen on this earth.

If you nevertheless become greedy and pick up this or that item, you will anger the soul, and it may go to your home for its item. Peace in this case will become your unattainable dream.

Cemetery land

Soil from a cemetery is the worst thing you can bring into your home. In this case, you not only attract all the negativity from the graveyard, but literally bring a piece of the grave into the apartment. The consequences of this oversight will be extremely sad.

To avoid accidentally taking soil from the cemetery with you, rinse the soles of your shoes with the water you brought, then wash your hands and face. This is the only way you will neutralize the negativity focused on any graveyard.

Fall during a funeral

Falling into a cemetery is a bad omen, promising many problems. But it is still worth taking into account the nuances of this fall; they significantly influence the situation.

If you accidentally tripped, don't be upset. This means absolutely nothing and you don't need to worry for no reason. However, try not to fall into the cemetery. This sign promises quick death or a long illness. It is especially bad to end up in a grave that has already been prepared for someone; this incident may mean that the deceased is pulling you towards him and will try with all his might to maintain an energetic connection with you.

Those who fall during the funeral procession must leave the churchyard immediately. It is best to go to church after this incident, where you need to wash yourself with holy water, light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased and read any prayer several times.

Pets in a cemetery

Cats or dogs in a cemetery are not the best omens. Our ancestors also said that if a dead person appears in the house, you should remove all pets from it. This is especially true for cats. They are closely connected with the dark world and can bring a new misfortune to you - the death of another family member.

If you see an animal during a funeral procession, pay it off. Perhaps this is how someone’s restless soul is trying to approach you. Give your cat or dog a treat and gently move the animal away from you. After all, in such an image an evil spirit may appear near you.


The sign of birds in the cemetery causes a lot of controversy. However, most esotericists agree that a bird flying to a grave gives you a sign from the deceased. In ancient times, it was believed that birds were inhabited by the souls of people who did not manage to complete something during their lifetime. That’s why they fly to their relatives, trying to remind them of their unfinished and important work.

Money in the churchyard

There are special signs in the cemetery related to money. Never take out banknotes while in the graveyard. And especially don’t start counting them. Otherwise, you will lose not only the entire amount in your wallet, but also the money accumulated for this or that occasion.

If you lose a banknote, then leave it to the soul of the deceased - greed will not bring you any good. After all, by raising money, you will offend the deceased and force him to follow you in order to return what was intended for him. Remember that there is a rule here that prohibits picking up anything from the ground in the churchyard.


We hope that we have told you in as much detail as possible about the signs and rules regarding behavior in the cemetery. Now, when you come to the grave of a loved one, you will know how to behave correctly so as not to offend the deceased and the forces that rule on this earth.

People are often designed in such a way that they try to save money on anything, and in cemeteries you can find sweets and flowers and even various dishes. Some go so far as to bring sand or gravel from the cemetery grounds for repairs. At the same time, there is an old superstition that you should not take any things from the cemetery, even those that appear to have been accidentally lost.

What is the essence of such superstition? Someone explains everything by saying that “the dead don’t give anything away for nothing and will take revenge for what was stolen,” someone is trying to explain it by the bad (dead) energy of the cemetery, which can be “brought into the house” and thereby bring trouble and illness to the members families, mostly they just say “it’s impossible and that’s it.”

It’s up to you to believe or not to believe in this superstition, but even people who do not consider themselves superstitious find a special mysticism in the cemetery that no one wants to touch.

Each of us at least once in our lives heard a story from loved ones that made us, if not believe it, then at least think: is it really so dangerous to take things from a cemetery?

Below are a few stories about what happened to people who took various things from the cemetery.

Mom's complaint

My mother, who lived in Irkutsk, decided one day to gather all the children closer to her. My sister and brother quickly moved in with her, but I kept putting it off, and it just didn’t work out. As a result, my mother never waited for me. I moved after her death.

The first thing after moving I decided to go to the cemetery to see my parents. On the weekend, my husband and I got together and went to the market. I bought a large bouquet of asters. I took a vase of flowers from home. It was made in the shape of a blossoming lily. True, when moving to Irkutsk, one of her petals broke off.

We arrived, swept the fence, I dug a hole in the grave mound, buried a vase in it up to the neck, and placed flowers. My husband and I sat, remembered the dead and went home.

Three days passed, I had a dream. Mom came and said:

Natalya, you brought me such a beautiful vase, but it was stolen. But here there is no porcelain, only iron! - and cries.

I woke up not myself. I’ve been walking for a day or two, but the dream won’t leave my head. I couldn’t stand it, I told my husband, I said:

Let's go to the cemetery. It's bad for mom.

My husband waved me off:

This is all your stupidity, this cannot happen.

I bothered him for two days, and finally, on Saturday, he agreed to go. We arrived at the cemetery. As soon as I opened the door in the fence, I saw: a bouquet of asters had been thrown between the graves, and the hole was empty. I picked up the bouquet and turned to my husband:

Well, you see what I told you, mom won’t just bother you!

And he stands, clutching a birch tree, and he himself is white:

You know, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it in my life!

I dug a hole, laid flowers all over the grave, and dug a beautiful porcelain cup into the ground under the monument. This time they won't dig it up. Mom's will be there. I never saw her in my dreams again.

As for the stolen vase... Don't people know that you can't take anything from a cemetery, it will be bad for them? I was taught this since childhood. I have already passed 60 years, and I still remember such an incident.

My brother and I once picked pockets full of bird cherry berries from a cemetery. Our grandmother saw me and made me spill everything out and even gave me spanks. And she explained what happens to those who take cemetery goods. It is believed that even if you lost something in a cemetery, do not come back and look for it: this means that the dead need it more. But the fate of the vase thieves is, of course, unknown to me.

Natalia Fedorovna PAVLOVA, Baikalsk, Irkutsk region.

Blue chrysanthemums

My sister Lyuba married for love. And the future mother-in-law didn’t like her very much. She tried to dissuade her son from getting married. But can anything interfere if people love each other? They just signed and that's it. Lyuba’s husband was immediately given a one-room apartment from the plant.

Then they had two daughters in a row. You should be happy, but your mother-in-law didn’t let up - I’ll scam you. Lyuba just smiled:

What are you saying, mom, why should we separate? We love each other. We have a family.

One winter, a relative of ours died. We were all at the cemetery. People brought wreaths. At that time, it was impossible to get fresh flowers in winter. So they carried either paper or plastic ones. I noticed one such bouquet - it was blue chrysanthemums.

I was visiting my sister when my mother-in-law came to see her. She brought her a bouquet of artificial blue chrysanthemums wrapped in newspaper as a gift. She sat for a while and left. And by evening Lyuba felt bad. She had a headache and felt nauseous. And every day she got worse. A trip to the doctors did not yield anything. The tests were good, but my sister was literally dying.

And so my mother and I were sitting by Lyuba’s bed, and my mother looked at the table, where the chrysanthemums given by her mother-in-law stood in a vase, and said:

What blue flowers!

And I remembered:

I saw the same ones, they were brought to a relative’s grave.

Mom heard this, took the flowers and left. Then she said that she went to the crossroads of four roads, broke all the flowers and scattered them in different directions, repeating: “Which side the evil came from, go there.” After this, the sister recovered, and her mother-in-law soon died.

Lyuba and her husband looked after her grave. We lived in Uzbekistan, and it’s warm there even in winter. Perennials were planted on graves. But on the mother-in-law’s grave, nothing grew except weeds, and the ground was like stone.

Lyudmila Dmitrievna CHAZOVA, Ulyanovsk

Old bedspread

The old people are right: you can’t take anything home from the cemetery. I was convinced of this from my own experience.

A few years ago, my mother, sister and brother and I went to the village in the spring to visit and clean up our stepfather’s grave. We saw that our old blanket from the chair was lying on the bench near the burial. Before us, my daughter and son-in-law visited the grave, so they forgot.

I rolled up the blanket, put it in a bag, and thought: it will come in handy at the dacha.

We cleaned the grave and renewed the wreaths. Then they sat down, remembered and left the cemetery.

But I suddenly felt bad: I had a headache and began to feel nauseous. As we moved away from the cemetery, I felt worse and worse. I even had to sit down on a bench near the nearest house, and then call an ambulance.

It turned out that my blood pressure had jumped. I was given an injection, but it took a while to feel better. We even missed the regular bus and had to hitch a ride. And suddenly it dawned on me - it’s about the bedspread that I took from the cemetery!

I mentally began to ask forgiveness for my mistake from my late stepfather and other deceased relatives. And I felt how I felt better. And instead of taking that unfortunate bedspread home, I took it to the trash. I don’t know what it was: a coincidence or the dead people really decided to punish me.

Taisiya EGOROVA, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region.

Geranium from the cemetery

Our father died in 1984. He was buried in a new cemetery recently opened outside the city. Every Sunday my mother, sister and I went to see him. Let's tidy up and remember. Mom will sit near the grave and go for a walk around the cemetery. We scolded her: if she came to her father, be near his grave.

In the fall, I went to the cemetery alone. When I returned, I was tired and stopped near one grave. There was an elderly woman sitting on a bench. Geranium bushes grew on the grave. This was the first time I saw such a geranium - bright red, fluffy.

The woman asked: “Do you like it?” - and pulled out one bush from the ground for me. I didn’t know then that you couldn’t take anything from the cemetery. Arriving home, I planted geraniums in a pot. It didn't wilt, but it didn't look very good.

Meanwhile, our mother has changed. She missed her father greatly, cried, and kept teaching my sister and me how to live after her death. In the summer I transplanted the flower into the garden bed. In just a week he came to life. But my mother fell ill. Soon she died. When the neighbors said goodbye to her in the yard, one of them said:

What a beautiful geranium! Pick it up and put it on your mother’s grave.

I did so.

Later, having become wiser, I realized that I needed to thank my neighbor. A flower brought from a cemetery could take the life of not only my mother, but also mine and my sister. And so the geranium returned to where I brought it from, and did not harm anyone else.

Lidia Borisovna MIKHAILOVA, Orenburg